The Memorial Event

We mark and celebrate different occasions throughout our life. We commonly celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and graduations. The memorial event or service is the final celebration of the story and the life that was lived. And a good memorial event will be able to accurately capture and share that story in a memorable, sincere and meaningful way. A vital component of any good service will be the telling of the story of the life of the deceased.

Every life is unique. Every story is different. We want to accurately capture and reflect that story. We want to share it and allow people to acknowledge it, to connect with it, to celebrate it, and to reconnect with the memories of the person’s life. We don’t do cookie-cutter funerals so it’s important for us to understand your values and beliefs and to use our experience to help you meaningfully celebrate it.

When it comes to the service, people need to make a decision whether to have the body present or not. A common option is to have the body present in a separate room so that those who want can say goodbye, and those who don’t feel comfortable can go to the main service room. Even if the body is going to be cremated, families can choose to have a viewing and even an open casket at the service before the body is cremated.