We Remember

Born in Tanganyika, East Africa, on a coffee plantation in 1945, Heinrich Otto Augustinus Abel passed away peacefully in the loving company of his wife Marita at KGH hospital on February 02, 2013. Gus leaves behind his sons Robert and Thorne, wife Marita, sisters Rosemarie and Ellen and brother Harold of Germany, nephews Robert of South Carolina, Damian and Brandon of Bellingham, Rolf of Germany and niece Sandra of California. He will also be missed by in-laws, niece and nephews and friends. Predeceased by father August and mother Adda, sister Katie, niece Bridgette and brother-in-law Don.
At an early age Gus and his family left Africa for Germany where he earned his Captain Ocean Going Degree and travelled the world as a sea captain. Drawn to the wilderness, he immigrated to Canada where he enjoyed nature, hunting and fishing as a Guide Outfitter in B.C. He then founded Tyax Mountain Lake Resort where he started a family. Retirement brought him to the Okanagan where he planted fruit trees, enjoyed the sunshine and completed writing his book, Tyax: Living the Dream, which sadly he did not see through to publication. His wife and sons are in the process of making this happen.
A Celebration of Life will be held on June 1, 2013 at 1:00 pm at the family residence, 15240 Barkley Road, Lake Country, BC. For more information please call Marita at 250-766-4216.
‘’It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the
journey that matters, in the end.’’
Ernest Hemingway
June 1, 2013
Family Residence
Sorry, i have to say it in german:
Gus und ich waren sehr gute Freunde während unseres Studiums an der Seefahrtakademie in Bremen/Germany. Gus Einstellung zum Leben, seine Visionen, seine Träume und Wünsche haben mich inspiriert, ich bin nie wieder einem so optimistischen, fröhlichen und herzlichen Menschen begegnet.30 Jahre bin ich zur See gefahren und habe immer mal wieder
nach Gus gesucht und ihn nie gefunden.
Jetzt muß ich erfahren, daß er gestorben ist Ich bedauere es zutiefst,daß ich ihn nie wieder getroffen habe. Ich bin erschüttert und sehr, sehr traurig.
Gute Reise, du alter Gauner, wir sehen
uns !
Lieber Hans, mich erreichte die Traueranzeige zum Tod Eurer Mutter. Mein herzliches Beileid!
Vielleicht erinnerst du dich nicht mehr an mich, aber vielleicht geht es Thoams anders. Gib mir doch bitte seine Adresse. Danke Stefan