We Remember

Went to be with the Lord on March 20, 2013 at the age of 98 and a half. Survived by her loving son Max (Susan) DeBeeson, grandchildren Yvonne McIsaac, Rebekah (Jim) Hiltz, great grandchildren Andrew (Danielle) McIsaac, Jonathan, Joshua, Bethany and also her great great granddaughter Alyenna. Sadly predeceased by her husband George, and her grandson David. A memorial service for Opal will be held at Peachland Baptist Church, 4204 Lake Avenue, Peachland, BC on Saturday March 30, 2013 at 2:00 pm. A scholarship will be setup in Opal’s name for the Pomona Valley Musician’s Club. If you wish to send a condolence, post photos or share a memory, please scroll down the page to the area called “Share Your Condolences.”
Saturday March 30, 2013 at 2:00 pm
Peachland Baptist Church
Dear Max & Susan:
So very sorry to learn of the passing of your mother. She had a long, rich life. I’m sure you will miss her very much – especially her piano playing. Love, Dianne
Sending our sympathies to you, Andrew, and your family. Thinking of you as you grieve the loss of her presence in your lives.
I’m so sorry for your loss Max. I remember your lovely, kind and talented mother.
I still remember as a child visiting your parents place out in Pomona, CA back in the 1960’s and listening and seeing your mother play the piano for us.
She once came to drop by our home and this was while we were being watched by a sitter for the week as my parents had left town and it was indeed fortunate for me that your mother did come by, because I had foolishly had been barefoot outside and stepped on some glass gashing my foot badly. This was just minutes before your mother arrived, at which time she quickly rendered me first aid! I never forget that or your wonderful mother!
God bless her and you and your family Max.
I cut down a Chinese Elm tree growing through the roof in S. Pomona just after George died. Opal and Violet bouillon- Hopkins ( my mother in law) taught piano and were close friends. She gave me a sculptured Giraffe which I cherish to this day. Several animals were still in the shop, some unfinished. George was famous and Opal was so nice to us that day. We moved to Coeur d’ Alene, Id. in 1968,and Opal moved to BC. Violet Died 2012 age 98 also. I found this obituary looking for the value of the Giraffe.You could send an email to me. We had Softball tounaments in Kalona Bc but I was unable to go.