We Remember

May 29, 1937 — August 22, 2013
Left to mourn are his wife Jane of 48 years; children Gavin (Andrea), Troy (Mel), Leanne (Dean), his wonderful Grandkids who he adored, sister Sylvia (Bob), many nieces and nephews. Predeceased by his Mom (Ella), Dad (Andy) and brother (Les).
John was born and raised in the Westbank/Peachland area and began his career in Kelowna, volunteering and living at the Kelowna Fire Dept for many years. He went on to further his career as an electrician serving the Okanagan area for decades. John was a good man who touched many people whether it was from his long time commitment to sports, his shop, woodworking or his family and friends. As much as he was our biggest fan and cheerleader, we were also his. John made his TSN turning point and peacefully moved on to play his next game.
“We wish we could have just one more thing to say, but Dad, you went so Peacefully, we wouldn’t want to have it any other way”
In lieu of flowers please share a moment with someone who means as much to you as John did to us.
Celebration of John’s life to follow at a later time. If you wish to send a condolence, post photos or share a memory, please scroll down the page to the area called “Share Your Condolences.”
Celebration of John’s life to follow at a later time.
Sorry to hear of Johns passing, I first met John when I was a very young kid playing ball with the young men. I don’t think many could hit the ball high or farther than John. We stayed in touch over the years through business, he will be missed.
R.I.P. John. It was nice knowing you and you will be missed. Our sympathy to the family!
Sorry to here of Johns passing I first met John when I worked next door to him at Peerless Pipe on Gaston Ave and on the softball field at Kings stadium playing major mens fastball , John was always soft spoken and interesting to talk to , always remember the good times .
So sorry to learn of your loss. John was a great guy and we always enjoyed being in his company
Jane & Family:
Our sincere condolences as we hear the passing of John. May loving memories be your constant comfort and fill your heart with peace in the days ahead.
I enjoyed talking to John over the years..He was a great person who helped lots on the farm and had a great outlook on life
he will be missed
Domenic Rampone
Jane,Gavin, Troy, Leanne and families.
So sorry to hear of your loss -have happiness in your memories and take care of each other.
We remember fun times with John through baseball and hockey.
Ron and Wilma Swail
Jane and family, offering our condolences. We loved having you as our neighbour on Richmond St. John was a
very friendly man and always nice to talk to.
Over the years John and his crew rebuilt lots of equipment[large&small] for us.They did good work,honest and pleasant to deal with.I was sorry John sold the business.Sharing your loss of a good man. Gord Hamm
Jane & family,
Our Deepest Sympathy on the loss of John.
We spent many happy hours together on the ball field.
Bill & Denise Nahirney
Sorry to learn of your loss. My condolences.
Jane & Family,John was a great Friend and will be missed by all that knew him.
We were so sorry to hear of the loss of John. Know that our prayers and thoughts are with you at this most difficult time.
Jane and family:
Please accept our sincere condolences; John played an important roll in our lives and company, by making the cedar box’s for Little Miss Chief’s smoked salmon. Of course, Jane, you were there to help him many times. John will be missed but always remembered in our hearts. We will miss his smile!
My condolences to the Duzsik family. Kelowna has lost a great man.
A few times, he called me out on strikes but always with a smile. On the street he called me Willie, always with a smile.
You will be missed.
Your bud always,
Hey Dad, I think of u everyday …
And all I want is to hear is your voice just one last time. I miss you so much Dad!!
You were always and will always be my hero, my biggest fan as I was yours.
You made me into the man, father and husband I am today.
Dad … I miss you much, I wish the hurt would stop and I know it will one day ..
Dad just one one more that’s all I want but….I know your happy now:)
Good Bye Daddy
I miss you 🙂
I come here often to feel your spirit and to remember you and to see the great words that people shared. I think of you everyday and you are in my thoughts and dreams always.
I feel so lost some times.. and wish I could hear your wisdom one last time.
I miss you so much Dad!!!
Love you!!
Hey Dad
I haven’t talked to you for a while and I thought I would tell you what’s up.
Weezie goes in for her transplant soon and we are all in there with her for the long haul. She has always been your baby girl and I will keep you updated.. promise.
Gavin and Andrea are doing great and she is the best person that could have ever happened to Gavin.. God knows he deserves it!!
Mel and I are doing fine.. the kids are great and they talk of you often and always ask me to tell stories of the old times.
I have been promoted to the director of Culinary and Operations for Brinker Canada. I was very proud of myself and I know you would be too.
I miss you so much still Dad. I know that one day it will get easier. For now though I have this way to tell you about what going on.
Love you
Hey Dad
Well I made a the decision to take your picture off my computer.
It doesn’t mean that I will think of you less, but I guess its time to try and move on, so they say.
Dad, I feel you in my heart everyday and I know you will always guide me in the right direction.
Say hi Grandma.
Miss you!!!!
Love your son
I have so much to say..I just wish I could talk to you.
Lots going on.. I miss you so much and never new it would be this hard.
I know that when I am down that you give me strength.
Love you and miss you so much.
Your Rat
I cant believe its been over a year.
I wonder what you are doing and thinking as you look down on us.
Mom is doing better now, she had a hard time for the first year but it getting better. I guess we all did. You were and will always be a big part of our lives.
I miss you dad, more than anyone knows. I miss our talks and how you could guide me in the right direction.
Leanne’s transplant was successful and I am sure you had a hand in it..thanks. I’m sure she doesn’t know, but I worried about her more than anyone could ever know. She is my little sister and I couldn’t live with out her. Ella is great and she will grow into a great girl. Dean is an amazing man… that all I can say.. just amazing.
Carter is following in your foot steps and was accepted into the Edmonton Fire Cadets. He is so proud. He told all the Captains that his Papa was a fireman.
Mackenzie is in university… I know our little girl is so big. She loves it!!
Declyn is growing into a young man and love to be with me in the garage when I am doing wood working.
Mel is so strong and she keeps me from going crazy. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. She is getting on a plane by herself tomorrow…. make it a good flight if you have influence:) She sure did love you..you were like the dad she always wanted.
Gavin and Andrea are doing well, Gavin had a small scare but he is all good and they are stronger than ever. Andrea is the best person that could have happened to Gavin. He is the one man other than you can influence me like you did. I know that he doesn’t know that but I am sure he feels it.
Anyway… haven’t talked to you in awhile and I thought I should give you an update.
Love and miss you
Hey Dad
its been 3 months since my last post.. I think of you often and I miss u more than words.. When Iam awake at night I think of you and all that you are in my heart… you are and will always be my hero.. I look to you for guidance and direction in my life as you has always been my hero… I miss you dad.. there are days that I cry for you god I miss you some times… Mel is my goodtime and I know you take care of her..
I miss you dad.
love you
It’s been along time since I wrote u. I hope you have found Jeffery and are building a great new relationship. When he passed he was trying to change so please give him a chance😄. I miss you so much and I wish we could talk again.
I love you dad .
Your Rat
Hi dad, i lie in bed and sit and wonder what you would of my life today. I have been sober now for over 460 days , I am doing good at work and life with all its pitfalls has been a journey for sure. I have finally put myself out there to reconnect with my old friends , Kelsey,JJ, Todd you know the old crew . I didn’t have the confidence yet to be able to share my story. I have also reconnected with Jill C, you probably hang out with her parents and remember her from when I dated her, she was ur favourite, I remember u being so mad at me when it didn’t work out because in ur words I was an ass. . She has given me a lot to think about and came along at a time when I was lost and didn’t know what direction to go. I was one bad day from my journey changing. She has given me a new found desire in life dad, I smile , laugh and take everyday on with excitement. Carter and Declyn graduated this week , I am so proud of the boys😄!!! I wish u were here to talk too, but I know u have business to take of, Say hi to Jeffery and I hope he found peace , Grandma, Luke( he was Ds best friend) and Ds dad. When you u see Mr and Mrs Corrado , tell them Jill is doing good, so are Jenna and Jordon.
I miss you dad , so much, but I will always have our memories ,and the life lessons that u taught me.
Love you and miss you with all my heart.
Rat /Troy