We Remember

GAO, Ya Lin
December 12, 1967 — January 1, 2024
With humble acceptance of God’s will, we announce the passing of Ya Lin Gao on January 1, 2024.
Ya Lin was born in Xinjin, Liaoning, and raised in Daxing’anling, Heilongjiang, China. He achieved his bachelor’s degree at Northwest Institute of Light Industry; and earned his master’s degree at Harbin Shipbuilding Engineering Institute. He worked in Beijing for 10 years. In 2002, Ya Lin immigrated to Canada for a life-changing adventure. In Saskatoon, he met the love of his life and married Cynthia in 2006.
Ya Lin loved GOD. He put his faith in God for salvation on December 12, 2004 – his 37th birthday and was baptized in 2005 in Saskatoon. Ya Lin devoted his life to serving God. He offered help to church communities unconditionally. He was passionate about the well-being of his family, his friends, and others.
Ya Lin was proud of his work and loved every job he did. He learned as much as he could about the new technology related to his work. He was positive and a cheerful team member all his life.
Ya Lin was very optimistic, and his infectious smile and laugh always touched people’s hearts. He was very active and excelled in sports and outdoor activities such as badminton, swimming, canoeing, kayaking, and hiking. He and Cynthia especially enjoyed hiking in Banff National Park.
Ya Lin will be forever missed by his cherished and much-loved wife Cynthia, his daughter Angela, his father Zhongting, brothers Yabin and Yakun, sister Yaping and friends.
Prior to the service, a viewing will be held for those who wish to say a meaningful goodbye from 9:00 am – 10:00 am, at the same location as below.
There will be a Funeral Service on FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 2024, at 10:00 AM (PST), at Springfield Funeral Home, 2020 Springfield Road, Kelowna, BC. followed by a celebration of life meeting and reception at Grace Baptist Church, 1150 Glenmore Dr, Kelowna, BC. We sincerely invite family and friends, as well as brothers and sisters in Christ, to attend and pay their respects, sharing in the sentiments of farewell. May he rest in peace!
If you are unable to attend in person, please join the family online by Livestream at the time of the service (see below), a recording will be made available to view shortly thereafter.
If you wish to send a condolence, post photos, or share a memory, please scroll down the page to the area called “Condolences”.
1967年12月12日 – 2024年1月1日
高雅林,一位虔诚的基督徒,于 2024 年 1 月 1 日午时因突然病发,在爱妻的陪伴下,蒙主宠召,安息主怀,终年56岁。
雅林于1967年12月12日出生于辽宁省新金县。他在美丽的黑龙江大兴安岭长大,一生志存高远,求学不倦。本科就读于西北轻工业学院,随后在哈尔滨船舶工程学院获得硕士学位。在北京工作十年后,于2002年移居加拿大。在萨斯卡通生活期间,雅林受到爱神的眷顾,遇到他一生挚爱张馨丹Cynthia,并于 2006 年喜结良缘。2021年,夫妻二人搬至基洛纳。
雅林勤奋好学,热爱他所从事的每一份工作,对与工作相关的新技术都十分专研。 他业务能力超强,并且具备乐观向上的团队意识,受到所有同事的交口称赞。
雅林是一位虔诚的基督徒。 2004 年 12 月 12 日,也就是在他 37 岁生日的当天,他决志信主,并于 2005 年在萨斯卡通接受洗礼。 雅林信主蒙恩至今,一直都致力于侍奉主耶稣。 无论是在哪个教会,哪个查经团体,他都倾尽所能,身体力行把福音传递给周围的每一个人。尤其在初建基洛纳华人浸信会教会的这一年里,雅林投入了不可计数的时间和精力,去传扬神的荣光。
“山河留印迹,何处觅斯人?” 尽管雅林爽朗的笑声今天尚未绝于耳,但他已脱下卑贱肉身,安息于乐园,等候荣耀主来得赎的日子。耶稣说:“复活在我,生命也在我;信我的人,虽然死了,也必复活”,我们深信上帝的应许!雅林将永远被他深爱的妻子馨丹、女儿Angela、老父、弟妹和亲朋好友所怀念。
谨定于1月19日(星期五)上午10点在Springfield Funeral Home(2020 Springfield Road)举行遗体告别,随后将在基洛纳华人浸信会堂(1150 Glenmore Dr)举行追思礼拜。敬祈亲朋戚友及主内弟兄姐妹届时莅临,送殡悼念,共表惜别之情谊,谨此讣!
FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 2024, at 10:00 AM (PST)
It is so unreal. You were taken away. It is a super unusual warm winter in Kelowna, yet it’s chilly up on the Goat Peak. My legs were shaking, my heart sadden. My tears poured after long hours of apparent calm but shock actually until I realized you were really gone. It’s so unreal.
From the day I knew you couple, there is indescribable attraction. Even your Chinese names sound so familiar and close, same as meeting in person. Looking at your last photo, you are so sunfilled, yet in half an hour, you fell and rested.
It is heart broken to witness your departure and the passionate true love between you two. I dare not and don’t know what to reason. May the LORD comfort and strengthen Cynthia, and take her through. Emmanuel.