We Remember

Gonsalves, Wendy Jennifer
June 16, 1938 — December 31, 2011
After years of travelling and enjoying life while valiantly
battling inoperable lung disease, with grace and courage Wendy weighed her
options and chose to surrender with dignity at the onset of Lung Cancer. Wendy passed away peacefully with family at
her side at the Central Okanagan Hospice in Kelowna, BC. Predeceased by her parents, Douglas and
Winnifred, and her sister Shirley Towers, Wendy is survived, and deeply missed
by her three children, Brenda, Craig and Jane, and four grandchildren, Russell,
Veronica, Patrick and Emily. Wendy (nee
Brown) was born in Ealing (London) England, the second of 2 daughters to Norman
Douglas Brown and Winnifred Ethel Kemp. At
the tender age of 5 she lost her young father, a pharmacist and optician to
bone cancer. Termed an orphan, Wendy was
placed in an orphanage where she remained for 10 years. Immigrating to Toronto in 1958 Wendy worked
as a Medical Secretary in the Hospital for Sick Children where she met and
married Charles Gonsalves, during his medical internship. Three children followed while they moved to
Vancouver, Saskatchewan and Calgary completing Charles internship. They
purchased a Medical Practice in Calgary and eventually divorced in 1967. Wendy returned to the workforce, running the
Calgary office for Premier Harry Strom and then on to the University of Calgary
attaining her BA, which she used in the employ of the City of Calgary, social
services. Then, on to Olds College (AB)
for a degree in Horticulture, strengthening a true passion which she initially
expressed through opening a seasonal garden centre. 1980 brought Wendy to Kelowna where she
became active with numerous clubs and associations and joyfully embraced the
Okanagan lifestyle. Through her life
Wendy developed many interests and talents.
She was an avid gardener, traveler, skier, competition tennis player
(winning the Alberta mixed doubles tennis championship), bird watcher, writer,
painter, patron of the arts and philanthropist.
During the past 20 years, Wendy spent increasing amounts of time in
Mexico where she spoke fluent Spanish and enjoyed many great adventures and
enduring friendships.
In 2004 Wendy was deeply honoured to be Westbank’s
representative, appointed to the BC Citizens Assembly on Electoral Reform and proudly
traveled the province engaging the public in and stimulating discussion on this
The family would like to express a special thank you to the wonderful staff and volunteers at the Central Okanagan Hospice for their compassionate care during her final five weeks. Also, heartfelt appreciation to Dr. McCauley and Dr. Moritz for their expertise and care with Wendy’s treatment. The family would also like to specifically thank Harold and Delores Thornton, Shirley Grant, Stanley (Smitty) Dick and all the friends who provided continued support and companionship through this journey. A memorial service will be held at the Springfield Funeral Home, 2020 Springfield Rd., Kelowna on Thursday, January 5th
2012 at 1:00 pm. A small reception will follow.
Thursday, January 5th 2012 at 1:00 pm
Springfield Funeral Home
I was a Fellow Citizens Assembly Member – my district being the Kelowna Mission – I was very sad to hear of Wendy’s passing. I will remember our chats in the airport when we were waiting for our flights on the many weekends to Vancouver meetings. She was always full of smiles and cheer. My Sincere Sympathies to her family.
Sheri Keller
I want you to know how much I appreciate your condolence and for taking the time to respond. I hope somehow my mom knows that you have taken the time to do this. Thank you for your kind words. Mary jane
My connection to Wendy is through the game of bridge. She was part of our Ladies Monday Afternoon Bridge group for several years and I took lessons with her a few times at the Senior’s Centre on Water Street. Three of us from the afternoon group were able to play a couple of hands with her at the hospice just before Christmas. So, in the spirit of the game of bridge, I’d like to say “Well played and well made, Wendy.”
I am very grateful for your response and am so glad you played bridge with my mom, she loved it and it made her days so much brighter and meant alot to her. Thank you. mary Jane
Our hearts and thoughts go out to Craig, Louise, Patrick and Emily for their great loss.
Henry, Maryanna, Connor, Devon and Maya
I will let Craig know that you sent a message and have him read your kind thoughts.
Mary jane.
I knew Wendy through horses and being receptionist at her doctors office. I will miss her. She was always a very thoughtful person.
Your words mean alot, thanks for taking care of my mom and helping her with her appointments and being her friend to. It really means alot. All the best. mary Jane
Wendy was a good neighbour and friend when we lived in West Kelowna. We enjoyed her intelligent discussions and her zest for life – and adventure! She had an incredible background.
You are so right she sure was adventurous and had quite the zest for life. I am so proud of her and wish I would have realized how incredible she was much sooner than I did and not allowed silly stuff to get in the way. Your words mean alot. thanks for caring and taking the time to respond. mary Jane
My sympathies to her family. I knew Wendy through her son Craig. She was a bright light.
Craig Desharnais and family.
I will let Craig know of your condolences and thank you for caring and taking the time to do so. She was a bright light – I have to agree. Thank you.
Mary Jane
Jane, Craig and Brenda: We were saddened to hear that Wendy, your Mom, has gone on to one more big adventure, another one where she will teach one of her many skills. I only wish I had listened more to her gardening advice while her neighbour on Allison Place. She loved our kids and they respected her in return.
Sincerely, Lar and Deb Cochrane from Maui
It is so good to hear from you and it means so much. It wasnt that long ago that mom and had a conversation about all of you and I enquired as to your whereabouts. I was thinking about you the other day, wondering if you knew about her passing and now I have my answer and am so glad that you know. She really liked all of you and she would be happy that you sent your condolences. I hope you are all well and happy and life is good. Did you watch the service???? I hope you were able to. It has been so long. Thanks again for caring and getting in touch. It really means alot. You can reach me at mj.g@telus.net. take care. mary Jane
Last Fall I visited Wendy in her home and then in the Kelowna Hospice. I saw the strength and clarity of thought with which she handled her illnesses. It was my pleasure to have known her. Norma J Waddell.
thank you for your kind words. I am curious as to how you knew my mom. Mary Jane
I knew Wendy through two connections, birding, and the Canadian Federation of University Women Kelowna Club. She was a courageous fighter, coping valiantly with her reduced lung capacity and determined not to let it restrict what she wanted to do. She was also a most interesting person to talk to. I well remember a very funny story she told me years ago, gardening-related, about sitting on her back deck watching a plant (gladioli, dahlia?) quiver violently and then disappear suddenly downwards! It was the first time I’d heard of pocket gophers! I regret that I was overseas when Wendy died as I would have liked to attend her memorial service. Please know how much I valued knowing her. She was ‘one of a kind’.
I am very happy to hear from you and to hear about your connection with my mother. it means alot to me and I really enjoyed reading your message. It is wonderful to learn more about my mom, I just wished I would have taken the time to know more years before and not let silly things get in our way. Thank you and take care. Jane.