We Remember

June 28, 1937 — October 27, 2021
Annie was welcomed to God’s table in heaven on October 27, 2021. She is survived and lovingly remembered by Arthur, her husband of 63 years, her three children and their partners, and two cherished grandchildren.
Annie was born in Neuendorf, Ukraine and in 1948 immigrated to Canada with her family. They settled in Clearbrook, BC, where she felt privileged to attend school at MEI. After completing her teacher training at UBC, she taught elementary school in Vancouver, BC. Annie and Arthur, who as a child had lived next door to Annie’s family in the Ukraine, met again in Canada, were married, and settled in Edmonton, AB. Annie continued teaching until shortly before her third child was born. From that point, she dedicated her life to family, church and community. Voluntary service was fundamental to her life. She epitomized “hospitality” and welcomed many people into her home – she loved to feed and nourish people. In 1988, Annie and Arthur retired to Kelowna, BC, where they enjoyed 25 years living on their orchard and then 8 years in the city. In her later years, she loved to visit friends in care homes or hospital. When she discovered the Internet, her world opened right from her own home as she explored everything from genealogy, recipes, maps, history and travel blogs – often sending links by email to friends and family.
In lieu of sending flowers, please consider making a donation to one of Annie’s preferred charities: MCC Canada.
A Celebration of Life will be held on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2021 AT 2:00 PM, at the Springfield Funeral Home at 2020 Springfield Road, Kelowna, BC. Double Covid-19 vaccination will be required to attend in person. As per Provincial regulations, only a limited number of people are permitted to attend. Please RSVP ONLINE BY CLICKING HERE or by telephone to Springfield Funeral Home 250-860-7077.
If you wish to send a condolence, post photos, or share a memory, please scroll down the page to the area called “Condolences”.
At his time of sorrow, may memories of joy and happiness that you shared comfort and sustain you now.
Deepest sympathy, Lea Zacharias, Calgary, Alberta.
I feel privileged to have known Annie. Her kindness and love for fellow man was boundless. She set an example we can only hope to emulate
We have been so sorry to hear of Annies passing. We have many great memories of her and the family living in Edmonton. We especially remember her wonderful cooking skills, our condolences to Arthur and the family. We will miss the thoughtful emails and spiritual thoughts she sent. God bless you in these days of sadness. June and Eldon
Arthur, Paul, Cathleen, Marcus and families. On behalf of Helen, Ben, Ivy & Mark, we grieve with you in the loss of Annie, your wife, mom, and grandma. Annie was a joy and delight to visit with, and yes, with a gift of hospitality., Reunions will not be the same. No cherry jam to auction off, Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. May God hold you in His arms as you begin a different journey in your lives..
Annie rests where eye has not seen, nor ear heard what God has prepared for them who love Him! Annie did that!
We met you when you visited Calra Reimer in Calgary. Then we dropped in at your place on your farm near Kelowna and learned to correspond by computer and kept it up till we heard about your passing. Our codolences to Arthur and the family.
In 1948 I picked up my mother’s sister, her daughter and two children at the mission Train Station……one was Annie. I Took them home home then left for university. I never saw Annie Again. But about 12-15 years ago….my niece who graduated from MEI in the same class sent me a copy of Annie’s e-mail and seldom a week has gone by since that Annie and I have not shared thoughts…see https://janwestbenefits.com/wohin/ Her string of life will now be woven into the tapestry of eternal life. Jacob.
I met Annie when I was 11 and she was 12 years old and have been friends ever since.
I send my condolences to Arthur and the family. She will be sorely missed.
We, my husband Alfons and I, have really appreciated Annie and Arthur and family. Annie and Arthur were the first people we got to know in Edmonton when they recommended Peter Bargen to us so I got my first job with Dr. Bargen. We enjoyed many bowls of soup and fresh buns at their home.. They also helped my mother when she was taking care of our moving to Abbotsford…
Cathie so sorry to hear of your Mum’s passing. She was a very kind, welcoming lady and made us feel so special when we met her when in Canada. Our love and prayers. Blessings. Anne and Darrell Carnie.
Our love and prayers for you all as you go through this very sad time. Much love. Blessings. Anne and Darrell Carnie
Thinking of you, Herb and Elsie, Our prayers are with you at this difficult time, Our prayers for Annie’s family as well.
We read in the Scriptures that in Heaven there will be a Great Feast for all the Redeemed. We both look forward to seeing Annie there, no doubt making sure everyone gets plenty to enjoy! Our sincere condolences to you, Arthur, and your extended family. Bob & Eleanor Keppy, Edmonton
Heinrichs family – Our thoughts are with you in this time of loss. Annie will be dearly missed at our reunions but memories will remain of her joyful, happy spirit. Betty and Petr Stryk, Irma Wiebe
My thoughts and prayers are with you Arthur and family, R>I>P> Annie i will sorely miss you, and will never forget out long conversation, and e-mails, Patricia (Pat)
My sincere condolences on the passing of your mother, grandmother, sister . May the Father comfort you all at this time.
I am still so shocked and sad that I don’t even know where to begin the great memories of you and your family since meeting you over 50 years ago while studying with my husband at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, as a young couple from Africa. Being able to spend some weekends cooking and dining with your family, helped me to adjust faster to my life in Canada, and prevented me from being so homesick! When we had our first child, continuing with my education would have been impossible without your help! Even though we went back to Africa, you kept the line of communication going!! You were very kind and loving. Caring for all the people that crossed your path! Only God knows why you have to leave this Earth so soon,
You are a great Christian model, and you deserve to be an Angel!! I believe you will continue to be the Guardian Angel from above to give comfort to your husband, your children and grandchildren, and other family members you left behind.
I feel so sad that I never had a chance to say my “THANK YOU and GOODBYE” , before you left this earth to meet your creator. I will always miss your thoughtful emails with beautiful pictures and links to endearing spiritual thoughts.
May the Almighty God continue to comfort and strengthen your family as they mourn your great loss.
May your gentle soul continue to REST IN PERFECT PEACE!
Annie was a loving generous and positive influence on all who knew her especially for those of us in her neighbourhood.
Sending Condolences and happy memories to her family.
Annie now “Knows as she is known” for she “sees Jesus as He is!”
Arthur, family and friends. I am so sad at Annie’s passing. Will see her again!! She was an incredible lady! I know my Mom will really miss her! What will we do now to spread news, announcements, etc.? She was always on top of that! Always with a warm hello and maybe a hug. She was truly a beautiful person!
We thank God for the impact of life lived well and surrendered to Jesus. The Lord bless and keep you Arthur and family.
Kallis Arthur ja kogu pere! Meie sügav kaastunne teile kõigile! Mälestus suurepärasest ja külalislahkest Anniest jääb alatiseks meie südametesse. Meenutame teie külaskäiku Eestisse ja lahkeid vastuvõtte Kelownas.
Kurbusega Malle ja Arvo Eestist – Pärnumaalt.
Annie was a very close friend to our family. She was a “take charge” person who thrived in helping others. She looked after the food at my Dad’s funeral, and was a great support to my Mom whenever there was an opportunity. Annie kept me apprised of how Mom (Lucy) was doing as she was preparing for her move to Missionwood and it gave me great piece of mind to know she was in Annie’s circle. Our thoughts are with you Art, and family.
What a beautiful service! Your tributes were well-articulated and honouring. Well done. Love and prayers for you as you walk through your grief with gratitude. Miss you all. Love, Sabrina.
We will all miss a very special, caring lady. It’s so good to know that no permanent goodbyes exist with those who know the Lord. We will meet again soon! May you experience the Lord’s comfort in the days ahead, Arthur and family.
Dankeschoen Annie (and Arthur, my father Siegfried’s surveyor colleague) for your hospitality over the years. My Mom “Oma Eva” in Edmonton much enjoyed Annie’s thoughtful and caring correspondence. My memories were sent to Annie directly weeks ago. My children remember the cherry orchard and Annie connecting us to son Paul (and waterskiing) during our trip to the Okanagan a dozen years ago. Kathleen, your history of your Mom was given with grace, humour, and generosity of spirit, some of the great legacy of Annie Heinrichs. Sympathy from the Osterwoldt family, Ralph in Ottawa
All glory to God for the blessings that Annie has been to my family. Words here are not even a close shadow of how much Annie and Arthur have meant to my parents as they also settled in Kelowna. Thank you Annie for your legacy.