We Remember

HUIZENGA, Joanne (Jakobje)
August 22, 1927 — June 28, 2014
Joanne peacefully passed away to be with the Lord on June 28, 2014 at the age of 86 years in Kelowna, BC, Canada. Joanne was born in Zevenhuizen, Leek in the Netherlands on August 22, 1927 to Jacob Wijchers and Trientje Wijchers-Holman. Joanne was well loved by her sisters Janny van Eerden-Wijchers and Alie Landstra-Wijchers (deceased), along with their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Joanne will be lovingly remembered by the Ubels Family (Aneka & John, Hetty and Larry, Clari and Koos, John and Sandy, Larry and Lisa, Ton and Gail and their families), Tina, John and Jeanette, Emmy, Bowena, and her many other friends. Joanne was predeceased by Eltjo. Joanne was well known for her warm, caring and feisty personality, her zest for life, her gracious hospitality, her love for children and her beautiful garden. She was like family to many and known fondly by some as Tante Jo and Oma Jo. Services to honor Joanne will be held on Friday, July 4, 2014 at Springfield Funeral Home, 2020 Springfield Road, Kelowna, BC at 1pm, with a reception to follow. For those wishing to send a condolence, photos or share memories, may do so by scrolling down this page to the area called “Share Your Condolences.”
Please note service time is 1:00 pm PST
Friday, July 4, 2014 at 1:00 pm
Springfield Funeral Home
Sorry to hear about Joanne, we knew her through Elina Dunnebacke, had some very nice chats. Sending our condolences.
Willie and Rody Stewart
I have so many fond memories of Joanne, her garden her hospitality! She was a fun and caring individual. Rest is Gods hand Joanne! Now you will have peace!
Wishing to express our condolences to Joanne’s family & friends. She will be sadly missed.
In Holland gedenken wij onze lieve tante Jo. Opgenomen in de familie van God wacht ze op de dag van de opstanding. Hartelijk bedanken we de lieve vrienden van tante Jo, die haar met zoveel liefde en eer omringen.
A beautiful service, I thankfully was able to attend through a livestream. My condolences to all of Joanne’s family and friends. She will surely be missed, I will cherish the good memories.
Marieke Scherjon
We are so sorry we were unable to join you today. The service was lovely. We were able to watch it live. Take good care.
Brenda, Bob, Elizabeth, Mike, Carl and the rest of the King family
Thanks for all your love, help and support for our tante Jo! Nice to watch and listen the service, with all the recognizable memories, pictures and stories off tante Jo. She was a special aunt, with a warm heart, love for her family and friends! It’s particular that I can return her to her native land and family! I wish you all the love, comfort and blessings of God.