We Remember

KENT, Richard Martin “Dick”
1937 – 2022
If ever there was a life enjoyed and well-lived, it was that of Dick Kent. He was a well-rounded, extremely interesting and caring man, as well as a wonderful husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle, and good solid friend.
He will be lovingly remembered and sorely missed by Gail (Spiller) Kent, his wife of nearly 63 years; their daughters, Lisa (Rob) Bannerman of Kelowna BC and Sheryl Kent (Doug Downs) of Calgary, AB; six grandchildren, Ryan (Tori), Bradley and Jordan Bannerman, and Owen, James, and Carol Downs; by his brother, Ron (Lynda) Kent and his sister, Lucille (Alan) Spiller; and other family and extended family members, and numerous friends.
He was born December 11, 1937, in Calgary, Alberta, the son of Hubert Richard and Ina Olive (née Anderson) Kent.
When he was partway through grade one, his family moved to a small farm in Hespero, Alberta, to be near his mother’s Swedish family, while his dad served in the Canadian army. He attended the one-room, Daisy Nook School. He had very fond memories of those early days and, after his family left the farm, he often went back to spend time with relatives during the summer holidays.
Part way through his grade four year, the family moved back to Calgary, where they lived until the end of his grade 10 year. His grade 11 year, at Edmonton’s Eastglen Composite High School, was particularly momentous, because this is when he and Gail met. They were both members of the square dance club. During his grade-12 year at Fort Saskatchewan Composite High School, he joined the school basketball team. When he graduated in 1956, his last five years of schooling had been in five different schools. He would say that his grade-school education had been a mishmash – some years in an academic program, other years in the automotives and Industrial arts. However, he was quick to admit that he’d had some outstanding teachers along the way (some of them memorable characters), as well as some excellent mentors.
He was always busy. He’d enjoyed doing farm chores, and in Calgary, he delivered groceries on his bicycle, for a small grocer in the Mount Royal District, and he stocked shelves at Safeway. He also learned to play the guitar. After moving to Edmonton, he worked weekends at the Edmonton Flying Club as a “hanger boy” where his wages were paid in flying lessons. He received his private flying licence at the age of 17 years.
During the summer of 1956, Marconi Radio employed him to work on the DEW Line. In preparation for the job, he had to take a short course at the Edmonton Air Traffic Control Centre, as well as a meteorological observer’s course. In late August, he and a friend flew to Cape Parry, on the Arctic coast, where they worked for ten months.
When he returned to the city, he learned that the Canadian Government was looking for Air Traffic Control Assistants, similar work to what he had been doing in the North. He started his Air Traffic Control job in June of 1957.
He and Gail were married in 1959, and never was a man more overjoyed than he, when their two daughters were born. Fatherhood, certainly, suited him!
He enjoyed skiing, camping, hunting, and fishing with family and friends; besides his ATC work, he was always into something. For a while, it was carrot farming.
After getting his commercial flying licence, he bought a 1966 Cessna 337A and started his own company, Martin Air Services Ltd., doing pipeline surveillance for his brother’s cathodic protection company. He was an innovative and skilled mechanic – good at repairing most things mechanical and electrical. Even his little English Rover car sported some airplane parts. It wasn’t long before friends, neighbours, and colleagues recognized these skills, and his backyard garage became a mini shop. He never took payment for the time he spent fixing things, but a case of beer or a bottle of whiskey would often show up on the doorstep.
When he retired in 1989, after 32 years with the Ministry of Transport, he was Acting Superintendent of ATC Operations for the Western Region, Air Traffic Services.
Still wanting to keep busy, he did contract work for Evans Consoles, working on ATC console projects across Canada and on Nantucket Island, Massachusetts. He also ran the Edmonton Office for Sego Industries (water well projects and septic systems).
In November 1991, he began working for Hughes Aircraft Co. of Canada (later Raytheon). The company had been given the contract to build CAATS, Canada’s computerized air traffic control system. He and Gail took off for the coast, first living in White Rock and then in South Surrey. The move was an opportunity to make new friends, and the job was interesting and challenging. What was originally a three-year contract turned into a second career.
In 2001, he and colleagues were at the Wright Patterson Airforce Base, demonstrating to the U.S. military a control tower simulator, which Raytheon had developed, when 9/11 happened – a very emotional experience!
When Dick finally retired, he embraced retirement with his usual enthusiasm and immediately joined the Semiahmoo Fish and Game Club. He relished the time spent with other volunteers, working in the fish hatchery and around the grounds. The camaraderie was superb, and the fishing trips to Watch Lake – looked forward to from one year to the next.
It was a fun time – a time to enjoy the garden, feed the birds, travel, play with the grandkids on the beach, spend more time with family and friends, and to celebrate “Martini Fridays”. And the years went by so quickly!
In 2021, he and Gail decided to sell their lovely South Surrey home with the beautiful garden, and on July 10, 2022, they moved into the lower-level suite of their daughter and son-in-law’s new home in Kelowna. Unfortunately, Dick had started to feel unwell. He had always been such a “Mr. Fix-It” himself, so after he was admitted to hospital on September 18, barely able to speak and unable to swallow, he became terribly frustrated when the doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong and “fix him”. He died in the Kelowna General Hospital on October 7, 2022.
If you wish to send a condolence, post photos, or share a memory, please scroll down the page to the area called “Condolences”.
I’ve never met a more intelligent, more likeable, friendly, helpful, sociable, story telling, able man than Dick. I will miss my twice a year visits with him so very, very much. Any person meeting Dick should consider themselves lucky! Thank you Dick for your kindness!
On meeting Dick in a professional capacity (aviation) during the 70s having much in common it was only natural we hit it off becoming friends and remained so till his passing.
I will miss our irregular coffee sessions and exchange of emails which were always entertaining.
To Gail and family… Please accept my deepest condolences we will all suffer a great void in our lives.
Dear Gail and Family, So sorry To hear about Dick. He was a lovely man and,I know he will be missed. How terrible that the medical system has no idea what Dick‘s illness was and no answers to give you.
My deepest Sympathy, Hilda
Dear Gail and family
We were so saddened to hear that Dick was no longer the with us. Having met Gail at newcomers and joined several groups one of which was pot luck with other friends it became a lovely time to share stories, good food and get to know each other. We remember Dicks stories and kindness to one and all and we know he will be missed by friends and family. Our condolences to all who loved him. Terry and Barb.
We are so very sorry to hear of Dick’s passing. Sending our sincere condolences to all the family. So many fond memories of our Greenfield days.
We continue to share your loss. Dick and Dennis were constantly trying to be the first to put out the garbage containers every Monday.. He had a tremendous advantage as we were frequently away over summer weekends. Dick was always ready to help with any chore and was skilled at whatever that might be. We miss our Friday afternoon cocktails get togethers and the many stories of our lives. Dick and Gail were the best of neighbours and we are proud to call them friends. Dick will always hold a special place in our hearts. RIP our friend.
Never met dick but we were brothers in the ATC field. Reading his obituary makes me think of a life well lived. Good on you Dick!
Condolences to the family.
I miss you my friend.
I miss talking about our many common experiences.
I miss being part of further many adventures — starting at the Flying club then the DEW Line where the two of us staffed one air position for over six months without a day off – 24/7 – Official Weather Observers with 8 days training .. can you believe ! Completing our Commercial Pilots Licence together and then both into ATC for our real careers. Finishing with a farewell party on the same day . Whoa!
I miss discussing things with you and noting how quiet your eyes remain as discussions intensify.
I miss your ever welcoming presence.
Thank you for your friendship through a wonderful life. I would be honoured to do it again.
To Gail: my best thoughts to you Gail, please rest as easy as you can. You have done a wonderful thing being Dicks Partner and Companion. I am sure that his Spirit remains nearby. Love to you and your family.
Dick was for me a kindred spirit. We saw many things in the same light and his wisdom was a breath of
Spring during the time we spent together in Hughes and Raytheon. I shall miss his smile and wry humour. Rest in peace my friend, you will be remembered.
Dick aways had a smile, a great sense of humour, and a kind and friendly word.
I just found his contact info in my address book while doing my Christmas cards.
Dick and I share the same birth day.
He gave me his coffee mug when he retired from Raytheon. It has a fisherman on it. Thinking of Dick always put a smile on my face.
My sad condolences to Gail, his girls and their families. I’ll keep my fond memories of him close and smile on him often.
Dick was a very good friend and fishing buddy. I will never forget his joy in catching a 12/4 pound rainbow Trout, and the many good days at the hatchery in Surrey B C . I will never forget you Dick and our sympathy to Gail and family.