We Remember

KLAASSEN, Sarah (nee Buhler)
Sarah died peacefully on August 6, 2015. She is survived by children Sandy Klassen, Rich and Sharyn Klassen, Will and Jane Klassen, Garry and Patty Klassen, Harold and Dianne Klassen, Marlene and Doug Engel and Randy and Renate Klaassen; twelve grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Sarah was predeceased by her husband Karl, and eldest son Arnold. She always had a special relationship with her identical twin sister Susan. Sarah was raised in Manitoba, lived in California, and since 1972 lived in Kelowna. The family appreciates the care and support for Sarah by the staff of Village at Mill Creek. Memorial donations may be made to Mennonite Central Committee, 134 Plaza Drive, Winnipeg, MB R3T 5K9.
Funeral service will be held at Springfield Funeral Home, 2020 Springfield Road, on Thursday August 20th at 1:00 pm. Interment will take place after the service, with a reception following at the funeral home. For those wishing to send a condolence, photos or share memories, may do so by scrolling down this page to the area called “Share Your Condolences.”
Please note service time is 1:00 pm PST
Thursday August 20th at 1:00 pm
Springfield Funeral Home
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Service Details
The service for KLAASSEN, Sarah (nee Buhler) is scheduled for Thursday August 20th at 1:00 pm. Below you will find the map for the service location and the contact information should you have any questions.
I am sorry I won’t be able to attend but you are all in my thoughts and prayers.
May loving prayers attend you…
May tears bring sweet release…
May God, who sees your sorrow,
Guide you to a path of peace.
Thinking of you at this time. With much love and prayers,
Nettie & family
Our condolences to the Klaassen and Buhler families. Unfortunately, Maureen and I will not be able to attend.
Tony Dyck and Maureen Ammeter
It is with special fond memories that I remember Sarah & Karl. Always kind and considerate. I feel your lost. My prayer go out to the family.
Our sincerest condolences to your family.
Leonard Dyck and Judy Russell
Greetings to my cousins, the children of Uncle Carl and Aunt Sarah,
I truly am sorry to here of your mother’s death. I do have many wonderful memories of being in your home in California and having a great time in your home. I always felt welcome and appreciated the acceptance I sensed from Uncle Carl and Aunt Sarah. I do want to encourage you from God’s Word found in John 14 “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive to myself, that where I am , you may be also.
May the God of peace rule in your hearts because of the personal faith you have placed in Jesus Christ, as your mother and my Aunt Sarah did also.
God bless you as you place your total confidence in Christ at this time of grief.
I am so sorry to hear about your Mom Molly. My heart goes out to you, Doug and your family. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Greetings to my cousins, the children of Uncle Carl and Aunt Sarah, my condolences to you, my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Alfred Rempel
Our sympathies go to all my Klassen cousins and their families. Your Mom always had a special spot in my heart. I will remember her for her warm hospitality and her devotion to her family. We always heard all about all of you when we visited her. We wish you God’s peace and love during this time.
My condolences to all my cousins, who gather for their mother’s celebration of life and faith, Sarah. I have many good memories of you as a family especially when you lived in Thornhill. There was always good will and acceptance shared so generously. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Have a memorable day together. Irene
Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time. Your mom had a genuine love for others. I recall seeing the twinkle in her eye when she was telling a good story and it was wonderful to hear her laughter. I remember our family visits in Kelowna were a special highlight of my summers, when we all felt welcomed and embraced in her joyful love.
To my cousins, I pray for the peace that only God can give during this time. May you have a good time reflecting on the life of your mom. When I think of Aunt Sarah it brings a smile to my face. She was a kind and gentle woman, reminding me of Grandma. I have so many happy memories of visiting your family in California and also in Kelowna. I seriously contemplated coming for tomorrow, but couldn’t make it happen.
My deepest sympathy to the whole Klassen family, on the loss of dear Sarah, a truly sweet soul. Sarah was a wonderful wife, mother and grandmother, and a dear mother-in-law to my sister Sharyn. I have so many fond memories of her sweet smile and gentle, thoughtful ways at family gatherings and at First Mennonite Church in California.
May God bless the Klassen family during this difficult time. Prayers are being lifted for your peace and comfort.
Thinking of you all today.
our condolences to our cousins and their family on the passing of your mother aunt Sarah, May our God strengthen you and give you peace.
Hi cousins. Sorry to hear about aunt Sarah. I know you will miss her. Would’ve loved to come to the funeral for a visit. Our oldest daughter Kristine’s wedding is next weekend so kind of hecktick around our place, with harvest also taking place. Listened to the service in the combine. Have been thinking of you all since the news.
I listened to the funeral on Live stream. Ed and I send our love and sympathy to you. I especially treasured your Mother. We exchanged many Christmas cards and I love the way she signed them in her squiggly hand writing. It meant so much to me that she made the effort to sign her own name. It was said more than once how she prayed for you, Now it’s your time to pray. My thoughts and prayers will be with your family. I wish I could have been there. Love you all. Erna.
Amy and I watched the funeral on Live stream. Thank you so much for setting that up for us. The service was beautiful and a powerful testimony to the goodness of our “Shepherd”. I loved my Aunt Sarah. She always made me feel welcomed and loved. I treasure the visits your Mom and Dad made to Washington, even when it wasn’t easy, to be with my Mom and Dad. I treasure our times together. Today, I witnessed a service that displayed my Aunt’s legacy of love, her entrance to her new eternal kingdom, and the body of Christ loving each other. It gave my soul hope. It pointed my weary heart to our Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Thank you.
What a wonderful thing technology is; I just finished watching Aunt Sarah’s funeral. I too have good memories of Aunt Sarah and Uncle Carl. After I graduated from high school, I made a visit to their house and experienced Aunt Sarah’s wonderful cooking and her hospitality. Yes, the whole time I was there, she was in the kitchen! I One day during that visit, all of the boys came to the house for lunch and Aunt Sarah had put out a huge array of food for them, and just being honest, I thought, why don’t those boys go to a hamburger joint and give Aunt Sarah a break! They were all grown men with jobs and money, ha,ha,
I listened and watched the funeral service, and felt drawn in, and blessed to be able to participate in this way. I couldn’t make the trip but this was almost like being there. Thank you for including all of us who joined Live Stream yesterday. I heartily agree with others who have shared the deep meaning of Faith and Love which was exemplified in the service. The Blessing that was so tangible in the gathering transcended the air waves to us way out there. I felt it was particularly significant that the last song being played, (I believe I recognized Renate at the piano), was “My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour,” (et al) I sang that song by myself, after waiting forever, to remember the first line. When I tried singing it I hardly recognized my own voice because of the tears, but sing it I did. My Mother (Martha Dorothea Klaassen) and Aunt Sarah were close friends, and I can well imagine them both singing this song together.
Irene (Rempel) Pauls, daughter of Martha Dorothea Klaassen
Sarah was so proud of her large family – condolences to you all!!
Our prayers are with you and very happy that we could listen to the service on this website. May the Lord comfort you in the days ahead.