We Remember

MACDONALD, Helen Louise
March 12, 1934 — January 22, 2025
On January 22 we lost our beautiful mother, Helen MacDonald, who was known for her gorgeous auburn hair and her fearless heart. She was quick to laugh, had a great sense of humour, and a loving heart.
Helen was born March 12, 1934, in Peterborough, Ontario, to Hazel and Carlos Dinsdale. She was the second of four children: Joan (deceased), Ronald, and Darryl. After her parent’s marriage ended, Helen lived with, and was raised by, her grandparents Alice and Jack Hetherington, also of Peterborough.
Helen graduated from high school at Peterborough Collegiate. She was very popular, had many friends, and happy times during these years. She received many awards for her excellent secretarial skills, typing and shorthand, which she put to good use during her working life.
In 1953, she moved to Toronto, Ontario, where she met and married Malcolm MacDonald in 1954. They eventually settled in Scarborough, Ontario where they worked hard, bought homes and raised a family. Her home was always a favourite gathering place for her kids and their friends, and she was like a 2nd mom to many of our friends. Helen worked for Rohm and Haas (a chemical and plastics company) until she retired 30 years later, having made numerous lifelong friends. She was a busy working mom and a dedicated hockey mom, supporting her son Scott through countless practices, games, and tournaments over the years.
In 1989, she reunited with Lou Nickle, her high school sweetheart, and they shared many happy years together, until Lou’s passing in 2004. Helen continued to live in Peterborough for several years after that and enjoyed playing cards, golfing, curling and going to the Casino with her friends. She had some memorable travel experiences, including an Alaskan cruise and 3 trips to Europe. She was always up for a new adventure.
In 2015, already in her 80s, she decided it was time to move to Kelowna, BC to be closer to her family. She sold her house and many of her belongings, hired movers, packed up her car and, along with her friends Jim and Audrey, drove her car out west. She was so brave.
Once in Kelowna, she joined The Newcomers, and made many new friends. She joined St Michael and All Angels Cathedral and found a warm and welcoming church family. She volunteered at Kelowna General Hospital and also at The Cupboard, a food bank run once a week at St Michael’s. At a distance, or close to home, she was a strong and enthusiastic supporter of every one of her families endeavours.
Left to mourn her passing are her 3 children: David (Michael), Heather (Steven), and Scott (Karla) as well as 6 grandchildren: Philip (Debra), Amelia (Wesley), Courtney, Jordan, Kolwyn, and Nicholas. She was blessed with 3 great-grandchildren, Wyatt, Owen, and Charlotte. Helen is also survived by her dear brother Darryl (Nancy). She will be sadly missed by her many special friends and family, too numerous to mention, but valued nonetheless.
Cremation has taken place. A celebration of Helen’s life will take place at a later date, when we return her to Peterborough, where her life started and her heart has always remained.
Rest in Peace Mom.
If you wish to send a condolence, post photos, or share a memory, please scroll down the page to the area call “Condolences”.
Heather, we will miss your Mom at St Michael’s. She was such a lovely lady and we enjoyed many happy times together at the Cupboard. Rest in Peace Helen
Ruth Pasemko
Helen was my delightful passenger to and from Canasta. Loved our chats, her smile and quick wit. Thank you for sharing her life’s history, she truly was a very “special” Lady! I will miss her dearly. Hugs to all of you! Joy
It was with a heavy heart that I received the news of Helen’s passing.
We became acquainted through our KNA involvements and soon we became close friends. She was an amazing woman. Loving, caring, feisty, so very much fun to be with and always a great conversationalist. Not to forget…. A sharp Canasta player. I will miss you dear friend. You will never be forgotten and forever loved. May you rest in peace. I know we will see one another again in the not too distant future.
Hard to believe and sad that she is not with us anymore, she will be dearly missed. We have so many memories of her and our time together love to all her family and friends.
My deepest condolences to the family. Helen was a lovely lady. It was a pleasure being her hairdresser.
My deepest condolences to Heather, Scott and family. When I started working at Rohm and Haas your Mom took me under her wing and taught me all about Purchasing. As well, she often protected me from some not so nice people. We would have the best chats along with much laughter. She talked about the 2 of you daily. She was so proud of both of you!
RIP Beautiful Lady
We are so sorry to hear of Aunt Helen’s passing. Sending our deepest sympathy David, Heather, Scott and families.
My dear Helen. I will so miss you. I remember our friendship began when we first met in our early days in Newcomers, and grew stronger as the years went by. We always had great chats, both funny and serious, whether over lunch or driving somewhere. You were so proud of your family and the love you felt was so often a part of our conversations. You were so kind, as shown by your dedication to your volunteer roles and the caring nature that was so much the core of who you were. Much love my dear friend. I will treasure the memories we made together.