We Remember

July 14, 1934 — December 31, 2024
Born on July 14, 1934, in Blumengart, Ukraine, Peter Peters went to be with his Lord, Jesus Christ, on December 31, 2024, at the age of ninety.
Peter is survived by children Peter Jr. Peters, Marianne (Clem) Dollevoet, Steve (Patricia) Peters, and Barb Hubber; 8 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. He was sadly predeceased by his wife, Mary (d. 2014), they were married 57 years. He was also predeceased by his 3 brothers.
There will be a private family gathering where Peter will be laid to rest next to his beloved Mary.
If you wish to send a condolence, post photos, or share a memory, please scroll down the page to the area call “Condolences”.
Peter will be missed so much. We can’t thank him enough for everything he has done for us over the years. We will miss talking to him while he spent time outside. We all ways lived hearing his stories of the things that he had created and experiences that he had with his family. ♥️
Hello Peters Family,
I learned from Leah that sadly your dad has passed but what a good long life he had and to have all of you such wonderful children and grandchildren, along with an amazing wife and mother, a rich full life lived!!!
I have very fond memories of your dad and so very much appreciated his generous spirit and kind heart. He was a father figure to me in ways unlike my father as he was always there to help when needed. It was hard for me to accept his helpfulness as it was foreign to me but so very much appreciated. He would show up at my work home in the spring to lend a hand which was just so amazing. I was worried that he would show up to the new owners when I had to sell the home so was sure to tell him. He likely though would have helped them too. Clems help appreciated too!!
I loved his connection to nature feeding the birds, enjoying hikes, his trips to Nakusp area, working outside and his love of his dogs, sharing your beautiful Princess that filled our home with love and protection for years. I know his convictions were strong but I appreciated his passion for what he believed in. He and your mother never wavered from their solid beliefs something to be admired. I spent many years in bible study together with them and appreciated their fellowship immensely. It helped me through a tough time in my marriage and I appreciated their extended love to my sons.
I cannot thank you all enough for allowing me to be a part of your family for so many years. I admired your family times and times that friends were included. It was a blessing to me as with my family being in Edmonton it filled a big void. Thank you for sharing your parents and Oma with me also. When Oma gave me a crochet quilt it just broke me into tears as I have few memories of my grandparents as they died when I was so young. Her love overwhelming. My parents also were grateful for you opening up your home and life to me, my mother having met your parents and admiring them also.
Sadly I lost touch over the last years with fewer and fewer phone calls with hockey consuming me and parenting two boys on my own and my work always so demanding. I thought of stopping by often with all my travelling throughout the valley with work recently but never having enough time racing between appointments. I had to work in Prince George for a wee time and have been all over the valley with work which has consumed my time. Recognizing I lost out in saying goodbye and missing the chance to thank him for his fathering ways saddens me. It is time to reflect on work just not being worth it, losing important connections as a heavy cost.
I too lost my father in 2024 so I know the hole that is left. I would have preferred to call but I have lost all my contacts. I would love Marianne if you could call if time allows. My number is 250 575-7073.
Love and hugs to you all, sending you a thousand angels of comfort and healing!
Love and deepest appreciation for all of you, Lana