We Remember
September 17, 1941 — June 3, 2020
Update: A Memorial Service will be held on Thursday, July 16, 2020, at 1:00 pm at Springfield Funeral Home, 2020 Springfield Road, Kelowna, BC. Seating is limited due to the pandemic. If you would like to pay your respects the family invites you to join by watching the service online (see below).
With heavy hearts we announce the passing of Ilse Schreiner on June 3, 2020, in Kelowna, BC. Ilse left us peacefully in her home, before this there was some vertigo and fall that required an operation that she recovered from. Ilse is survived by her husband, Jim; their daughter Michelle (Guy) and son Stefan; her brother Hugo (Usula) and sister Clara; her nieces and nephews; and her many friends from around the world including Germany, Mexico, Ecuador, and Canada.
Born on September 17, 1941, in Hoernitz, Germany, Ilse immigrated to Prince George, Canada in 1960. There she worked several jobs. She also met Jim there and fell in love. In 1962, they married and moved to a ranch in the Prince George area where they spent many happy years together. Then in 1997, they moved to the Okanagan where Ilse loved her home and was wonderful at keeping it beautiful. She was a long-time member of the Liedertafel Choir, which she also enjoyed tremendously.
It can be said that Ilse lived life to the fullest, was vibrant, and that she was an exceptional woman! A fun-loving wife and a great mother, sister, and aunt, and a loyal friend, Ilse was loved for her cheerfulness, her laughter, and her spirit. Her kindness, charm, smile, and beauty will linger in our hearts. She will be forever remembered and missed by all who knew her. Our consolation is that she is at peace.
“So, DEAR, have yourself a safe and pleasant journey – you will be in our hearts forever!!!”
If you wish to send a condolence, post photos or share a memory, please scroll down the page to the area called “Condolences”.
I wish to offer my condolences to you. Ilse and my mother, Emma Grady, we’re cousins and they both told stories of shared experiences with me. I’m grateful to your mother for these stories. I always looked for her at the Folkfest and will continue to do so but now with great sadness.
Irmgard Lux
Our deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family Jim.We are truly sorry for the loss of your beloved wife Ilse. May our condolence help bring you peace during this painful time. Your friends Rosemarie and Wolfgang
Dear Jim and family!
Our heart goes out to you in your time of sorrow.
Accept our warm and heartfelt sympathy.
Sincerely Gisela and Hans Nill
I’ve heard it, now read it and still can’t believe it’s true. Ilse was so full of life’s joy and felt everyone’s heartache. She was “ein Engel auf die Bühne”, sitting next to me, hidden in the back of choir. She made the 10+ years I was a member so much fun. I could find her in a football stadium by her laugh alone! It was so free and glorious! She was an incredible cook and loved to entertain, didn’t matter if it was 10 or 100! Jimmy and his dear sweetheart were such a force together. To Jimmy, Michelle and Guy, and Stephan we share your tears and heartache. May your lifetime of memories sustain you.
From Jack (the lunch buddy) and Suzanne (another choir sparrow) Schneider
Dear Jim and family,
We are so terribly shocked and saddened to hear of Ilse’s sudden passing. What a vibrant, beautiful soul this world has lost. Our hearts go out to you and your family and hope that you find comfort in knowing how warmly she will be remembered and how deeply she will be missed by us. Ron and Lydia Pfob
Liebe Jimmy……..so very sad to hear about Ilse, breaks our heart . She was such a vibrant active loving woman that lit up a room, always full of laughs and fun. Know that we enjoyed her and will always remember her fondly. We so feel for your loss as well as Michelle’s and Stephans. Much love and condolences………..Ursula, Corina, Kim and Brent
In essence, Ilse was a very “classy lady” without pretension and blessed with a great sense of wit. An angel returns home leaving behind our admiration for her in our hearts and feeling privileged to have known her. Our condolences to Jimmy & family from both of us.
Peter & Elvira Hess
Ilse and I met when I was 16 and worked part time at Fichtner Shoes. It was always a “hoot” to work with her. Then 12 years later we sang together with the Reingold Club. The last time I saw her was at my mother’s 80th birthday party at my house. She was just such a vibrant and happy person. My heart goes out to her family. She will always be someone I will never forget.
To Jim and Family,
We will always remember Ilse’s beautiful smile and her warm and fun loving personality.
She was a true friend who touched the hearts of so many and she will be greatly missed
and always remembered.
Those we love don’t go away,
They walk beside us everyday,
Unseen, unheard, but always near,
Still loved, still missed and very dear.
Diana Pfob, Denise and Herbert Wandt
My condolences to Jim and family.
Remembering Ilse from good times at the Rheingold Club in Prince George, singing in the Rheingold choir, and traveling together to North Pacific choir festivals.
Lieber Jimy mit Familie, zum Heimgang deiner lieben Ilse und Mutter dürfen wir euch unser tiefes Mitempfingen ausdrücken.
Was Du im Leben hast gegeben, dafür ist jeder Dank zu klein. Du hast gesorgt für Deine Lieben, von früh bis spät, tagaus, tagein. Dein gutes Herz hat aufgehört zu schlagen, Du wolltest noch so gerne bei uns sein ,schwer ist es, diesen Schmerz zu tragen, denn ohne Dich wird vieles anders sein.
Jim and family. I watched Ilse’s life of celebration on my computer and cried a river. It was a lovely way to say the final goodbye, bye to Ilse and send her off to her last journey What a wonderful service, Ilse would love it. The family pictures you shared with us were very enjoyable.
With love to all of you, your friend Gisela Toms
In stiller Trauer denken wir an dich lieber Wolfgang und deine Familie und wünschen Kraft und Zuversicht und sprechen dir unsere Anteilnahme aus. Wir waren gestern online bei der Feier des Lebens dabei. Es kamen viele Erinnerungen hoch.
Alles Gute und liebe Grüße