We Remember

May 12, 1963 — December 23, 2021
Robert Alexander Schuster passed away peacefully on December 23, 2021, surrounded by family. Born on May 12, 1963, in Frankfurt, Germany, Rob moved to Canada as a child. As a teenager and young adult, he spent time abroad in Brazil – some of the happiest years of his life. His unfaltering passion for cars led him to pursue a career in the automotive industry. Robert will be remembered for his unwavering sense of humour, his ability to connect with others, and his profound love for his friends and family.
Rob is survived by his daughters, mother, brothers, and their families, and was predeceased by his father. We would also like to acknowledge his host family in Brazil, specifically his host mother and siblings as well as his late father, sister, and brother-in-law; he considered them his adoptive family. Rob will be deeply missed by all who were lucky enough to know him.
Robert’s family would like to thank all the doctors, nurses, and caregivers who have been involved with his care over the years, especially those at Spring Valley Care Centre.
A service will be held on SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 2022, AT 10:00 AM, at Springfield Funeral Home, 2020 Springfield Rd, Kelowna, BC, with a reception to follow. The family kindly requests that all those in attendance show proof of double vaccination, and wear masks throughout the service.
If you are unable to attend in person, please join the family online by Livestream (see below), a recording will be made available to view shortly thereafter.
In lieu of flowers, Robert’s daughters have requested that individuals who knew Rob please post a story about him on his Springfield Funeral Home Obituary page.
If you wish to send a condolence, post photos, or share a memory, please scroll down the page to the area called “Condolences”.
SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 2022, AT 10:00 AM
Springfield Funeral Home Chapel
Marion & family
Thinking of you in the loss of Robbie and praying for you . So glad that you were able to be with him in his final days.
Marion, Alexandra, Victoria and extended family. We are so so sorry for your loss . Rob was one in a million. Living across the street from Rob was never boring. There was always something being repaired or torn apart, tools passed back and forth and Benj barking up a storm. To my horror before I knew it my son was up and down the street on one of Robs unicycles. He was so encouraging and without a very short time Jordan had it down riding like the wind on this giant thing. Always smiling always positive always there when you needed someone to listen .He was genuinely one of the kindest men we have ever known. Rob would come to my barbershop for a haircut and when it became difficult for him to lift his head I would kneel in front of him and reach up to cut the front. Our joke was I would always pretend I was proposing and ask him to marry me. He would get such a kick out of that. He was a gentlemen in every sense of the word. A gentle man who loved life. Rest In Peace my friend. Fond memories of you will never be far from our hearts and minds. Ian, Debbie, Sarah and Jordan
To Marion, Lidia, Alexandra, Victoria
I’ll be with you in this time of sorrow participating in your mourning.
I’ll never forget him in his youth, as an adult and as a very sick person.
Please accept our deepest sympathies for your loss.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
We hope that you all will be able to find peace and comfort during these difficult times.
Rob and I, we had many good times and laughs selling cars together.
He was my dear friend. He will be dearly missed.
Robert nasceu na Alemanha, cresceu no Canada, mas adotou o Brasil com seu país do coração. Sempre vou lembrar do seu sorriso, suas piadas e seu português. Ele deixa duas filhas amadas e generosas. Neste momento de tristeza gostaria de estar aí para abraça-las.
Foi muito bom ter conhecido o Robert e poder compartilhar com ele bons momentos que ficarão na nossa lembrança para sempre!
Deixamos aqui nosso sentimento e queríamos estar neste momento para poder nos despedir e homenageá-lo.
Um forte abraço para nossas queridas sobrinhas e primas Alexandra e Victoria!
Com carinho
Lucia, Cláudio, Lucas e Camila
Lembro de duas pessoas muito legais, meu pai Sebastião e meu cunhado Robert, os quais sempre disputavam o melhor e o pior entre Brasil e Canada. Um dia no Brasil, se não me engano após o casamento do meu irmão Cláudio e minha cunhada Maria Lúcia estávamos voltando de Porto Alegre para Novo Hamburgo com o Robert dirigindo o Ford Galaxie (um ícone dos anos 90 no Brasil) quando o Robert trocou da pista lateral para a principal e passou num buraco. Meu pai Sebastião logo disse para o Robert: ” no Canadá não tem buraco assim na estrada!” O Robert respondeu de imediato: “Tem sim, mas lá nós fechamos (tapamos) eles!”
Lembranças destes destas duas pessoas maravilhosas que fazem falta temos bastantes.
Que sigam em paz num plano melhor!
Saudades, Mauro Antônio Félix
O Robert era um menino muito querido, sempre preocupado com a segurança das filhas e seu bem estar!
Muito educado, prestativo e alegre e que amava muito o Brasil tanto que casou com minha filha, uma brasileira!
mediu esforços para auxiliar os outros e estas e muitas outras características tornavam ele uma pessoa muito especial!
Muitas e muitas vezes nos visitou no Brasil e sentiu-se sempre muito bem aqui, foi sempre otimamente acolhido!
Dai-lhe Senhor o eterno descanso.
Descanse em paz, amem! Que o Senhor o acolha em paz, amem!
Ele que já faz a sua Pascoa!
Abraços e Beijos, da mãe Lídia
We first met Rob when we moved in next door to the Schusters on Banstock Drive in Toronto in 1984. We can certainly echo the comments made by others at the service. Life was never dull when you had Rob as a neighbour. Somehow I managed to resist the “encouragement” to learn to ride a unicycle. When returning home from one holiday, we found our lawn festooned with plastic pink flamingos! That was before they became a trend. When Rob got his first convertible, he insisted that I join him in driving up Yonge Street from the Lakeshore, with the top down of course. At every red light going north on Yonge, Rob would sit at the red light, given the accelerator a “nudge”, then look over at the adjacent vehicle “encouraging” them to a race – at least to the next traffic light. Rob was in his element, and I was his reluctant accomplice. We remember Rob as always being positive, with a ready smile and one who could be relied upon in a time of need. We extend a big virtual hug to Rob’s family at this challenging time.
I am so sorry for your loss, Robbie will always be remembered for his great sense of humor, vibrancy, and kindness. He was the big brother I never had and spending that year with your family was one of the fondest memories I have of my childhood. We had such a great time and many laughs. Robbie helped me navigate this new thing called High School and the ins and outs of North American culture. He was there to protect me and guide me, and someone I could trust explicitly. I will never forget him and treasure the memories I have of him and my time in Toronto.
Conheci o Robert através do intercâmbio cultural quando em 1979 (acho que foi nesse ano) ele veio para a casa da família Travi Meyrer. Perdi o contato com grande parte daquela turma que era bem unida e nos últimos anos tentava encontrá-los pois só entrei no Facebook em 2016. Achei alguns mas o Robert e a Lídia eu não consegui localizar mesmo depois de descobrir o nome completo do Robert. Assim, no último domingo fiz uma busca no Google e me deparei com essa triste notícia. Meus sinceros sentimentos aos familiares e amigos. Bem, conforme solicitado, quero contar uma situação engraçada com o Robert. Certa vez eu estava de carro com alguns amigos e encontrei o Robert na rua com outros amigos. Parei o carro e conversamos brevemente. Quando liguei o carro para ir embora o carro não andava. Estava “trancado”. Desci para ver o que estava acontecendo e notei que havia tijolos trancando as rodas traseiras. Enquanto eu conversava o Robert calçou as duas rodas traseiras com pedras de paralelepípedo que estavam por ali pois a rua estava sendo arrumada para receber asfalto. Assim que percebi o que tinha acontecido o Robert já estava na esquina rindo e acenando. Bons tempos. Descanse em paz meu bom amigo.