We Remember

SELAND, Thomas Peter
November 21, 1941 — March 29, 2013
Physician, husband, father, chef, music lover
Peter Seland, beloved husband of Michèle Mantle, father to Karen (Jim), Nicola, Scott (Denise), and Mark (Lara) and grandfather to Desirae and Alex, passed away peacefully on March 29, 2013 in Kelowna, B.C. Peter was born and raised in Drumheller, AB, to parents Norma and Trygve. After finishing school at 16, he enrolled at the University of Alberta taking two years of pre-med classes before entering medicine. After completing his medical degree in 1964 and internship in 1965, Peter served three years in the Royal Canadian Navy based in Comox, BC as a Surgeon Lieutenant. He returned to the UofA to pursue his interest in the function of the brain through a Neurology Residency.
In 1973 he moved the family to Calgary where he served as the Director of the Division of Neurology at the Calgary General Hospital. As a faculty member of the UofC, he was one of the key founding fathers of the Department of Clinical Neurosciences. He served as the President of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta between 1984 and 1986 and later as Chair of the College’s Advisory Committee on Professional Education. In this same period, he acted as Chair of the Neurology Examination Board of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Throughout his career in Neurology he pursued a specific interest in Multiple Sclerosis. Peter was the Director of the University of Calgary Multiple Sclerosis Research Clinic and, following a move to Kelowna in 1992, set-up a new MS Clinic, caring for patients from across south-central British Columbia. While in Kelowna, Peter also had a busy community-based Neurology practice and served various administrative roles at the Kelowna General Hospital. Always considerate and caring, he was respected by patients, physicians, and academics alike. Over the years, his experiences and observations led him to an understanding of, and passion for, the area of medical ethics. In 1999, he joined the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia as Deputy Registrar (Ethics). Over the past decade, Peter made numerous presentations and speeches on various aspects of medical ethics.
Peter was truly a man of many interests and talents. In his earlier years, he was a Boy Scout leader with a love of canoeing and photography. He was an avid lover of classical music and literature. Peter also enjoyed the splendor of flowers, mountains and physical geography. He was a masterful “home chef”. Peter and Michèle shared a common love for their dogs. Weakened in his last several weeks by lymphoma, he kept his sense of humour and wonderment and accepted his condition with courage and grace. A celebration of Peter’s life will be held at Summerhill Winery on Friday April 5, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. If desired, friends are encouraged to donate to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.
For those wishing to send a condolence, photos or share memories, may do so by scrolling down this page to the area called “Share Your Condolences”.
Friday April 5, 2013 at 1:00 p.m
Summerhill Winery
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Service Information
Service Details
The service for SELAND, Thomas Peter is scheduled for Friday April 5, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. Below you will find the map for the service location and the contact information should you have any questions.
I was fortunate to meet Peter a few years ago through our mutual friendship with Michael Puttick. His stength, compassion, and love for his friend was such a wonderful gift to his friends and his community.
Peter was a good friend and an esteemed colleague. He will be missed by many.
Sympathies to Michelle and the family.
Jean and Albert
Dear Michelle and family
My condolences to you and your family. Over the years I had the pleasure of working with Peter in KGH and he was a man of his word. His MS patients truly respected his care for them and his dedication towards a better quality of life for all of them in whatever stage they were in. I wish you all peace during this difficult time. Erika
I was Proud to consider Peter my friend.
Michele, our thoughts are with you on losing Peter. He was a wonderful man and we have fond memories of him. He made major contributions to Neurology in Canada. Best wishes,
Tom and Isabel
It was my pleasure to work with Peter on the B.C. Cancer Agency Kelowna Cancer Centre Ethics committee. A relection of Peter’s character to volunteer on this committee and add his expertise and humour to many a conversation and debate. I am grateful for having had this opportunity to work with Peter and have benefitted greatly from his knowledge,persepective and humour as he aided this committee throughout the past 6 years. My condolences and respect to his family.
My thoughts and prayers are with the Seland children and grandchildren during this difficult time.
I work with Dr Seland for many years, he was a great person, a kind understanding Dr. did great things for MS patients
I have very fond memories of Peter and was so sad to hear of his passing. We spent some good times together as families. My thoughts are with Michelle and all the kids. He was a kind and gentle man and will be missed greatly.
Rest in peace fellow scouter. We extend our sympathies to the family. To Scott and Mark as boy scouts as well
Our heartfelt condolences to Michele & the rest of the family. Peter was truly a remarkable individual and we were blessed to have known him.
Peter brought joie de vivre with his style, his many interests, his laughter. With experience, wisdom and always the essence of the common man Peter remained a good advisor and a friend to many. It is apt that his interests in ethics became available to so many in the profession. A wise, good,kind man and one who will be missed and well remembered.
My condolences to Michelle & to Peter’s family.
Dear Michele: So sorry to hear about Peter….he was truly a special man, so kind and humble and always had a smile and a “hello” for the peons!!! He will be missed! Yvonne
Peter will be missed by us. He was a friend, peer and classmate whose company we enjoyed and respected.
I was privileged to work with Peter for a number of years as a Council member at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC. He was a man of high intelligence and great perception but for me his kindness and personal warmth were what I will remember. He will be sadly missed. I offer my deepest condolences to the family.
As a Calgary ms patient of DR.Seland,he took me through diagnosis,a cyclo study,we were on t.v.together re the study.He did the best he could to unravel the mystery of M.S.
I worked for Dr. Seland for a short time at the MS Clinic in Calgary. I have never forgotten his kindness and compassion, as I was going through the illness and loss of my father at that time. I am very sorry to hear of his passing and would like to send my condolences to the family.
I had the priveledge of meeting Peter early in his transition to Kelowna. He shared his home and his family on many wonderful occasions. Peter had a way about him that I came to understand and appreciate and know why his patients respected him.
I was visiting Peter in rehab and asked if there was anything I could get him…He stated that there was something he really really wanted….and he asked me if I would get a large chocolate shake, a chicken burger AND 3 extra packets of salt, no fries! They were delivered immediately and received with a grin we have all have enjoyed and will never forget.
My condolences to Michele and family
Dear Seland family,
Heather and I are unable to attend today’s celebration but our hearts are with you. Peter was more than a friend to us and we shall miss his love and support more than we can adequately express. Please accept the condolences of all members of the Cumming family.
Our thoughts are with Michele and the Seland Family. I (Liz) was a patient of Dr. Selands and considered he & Michele our friends. He was a wonderful doctor and so understanding & knowledgeable about M.S. We wish we could be a part of his celebration in person but will be there in thought.
Dear Michèle and family
it was a honour for Barbara and I to attend Peter’s celebration this afternoon.
My relationship with Peter began at the CGH as a frightened intern in the 70’s when Peter and Roger and Mike and Al taught me medicine and surgery and humanity. Our paths separated until we our father received care from Peter; a gentle expert who inspired confidence.
Peter did a great deal to bring ethics to the practice of medicine in BC. He was an inspiration and through his personal interest, moved physician care in BC to a more human place.
During the celebration, the sun did not shine, but once I was back on the West side looking to Summerhill, the clouds parted and for a brief moment, Peter’s smile was to be seen by all.
Michelle and family.
It was with great sadness we heard of Peter’s passing. He was indeed a good and caring man.
Our thoughts are with you at this sad time.
Jude, Doug Tristan and Steffi.
We are saddened by the news of Peter Seland’s demise which we discovered while in Hong Kong and are unable to be present at his memorial on 5th April. Memory of our close association in the neurological science will prevail. We send our condolence to Michele.
Peter & Pauline Huang : 6th April 2013
To the Seland Family, My condolences on the passing of Dr Seland. As a patient I saw him, he was a very intelligent, kind and caring doctor. He was truly an asset to our world.
Michele and Peter’s family.
We offer our condolences on Peter’s passing. I am sorry we were unable to attend on Apr. 5. My surgeon felt that 18 hours post-op was not enough. As Peter was so fond of saying “Damn surgeons are nothing but trouble”.
I had the pleasure of being Peter’s Neurosurgical counterpart at the Calgary General during the exciting early years of “Neuro” development in Calgary. I always enjoyed and valued Peter as a colleague and friend and was truly sorry when he left Alberta for B.C.
He was missed in the short term and will continue to be missed in the long term. Mike and Mary Jane
My hearfelt condolences to Michelle and Family.
I was a classmate to Peter
and it seems such a short time ago when we were young. The memories are still there to be treasured.
So sorry to hear of another phi kap passing.My condolences to the family.
Dear Seland family,
Ah so many wonderful memories of a great nephew and a caring doctor.
Ralph Seland
I only found out today, of Peter’s passing several months ago. He was an outstanding Neurologist.I worked with him while I was an Internal Medicine Resident in Calgary. I will never forget how much he influenced me, and how brilliant he was ‘at the bedside’. It was a great privilege to be taught by him.