We Remember

STEFANIK, Joseph Leonard
December 2, 1929 — February 23, 2021
With dignity and grace, our beloved Joe passed away peacefully at Kelowna General Hospital on February 23, 2021, in Kelowna, BC. Joe, Dad, Granddad, Slammer, Uncle Joe will be lovingly remembered by his son Joe “Joey” Stefanik and daughter-in-law Dawn Kuehn; grandchildren Drew, Devan, and Dana Stefanik; step-grandchildren Ariel Kew-Ladret (Graham Kew) and Max Ladret (Teegan Titanich); sister Merie Vassar and sister-in-law Jean Jonasson; and nieces and nephews Debby Oldershaw, Renee Strong, Jacqueline Brisdon, David Couture, Jonna and Billy Vassar, Brian Keilback, Janet Fraser, Brenda Klayh, and Lori, Michael and Trevor Jonasson. Joe was sadly predeceased by his loving wife of 61 years, Norma “Noomsie” Stefanik; as well as his father William Stefanik and mother Mary Stefanik; father-in-law Baldur Jonasson and mother-in-law Olga Anderson (née Olson) and her second husband Arnie Anderson; sisters-in-law Grace Jonasson, Gwen Couture and Polly Keilback, and brothers-in-law Leon Jonasson, Ray Couture, Jack Keilback, Bill Vassar; and nephew Dan Couture and niece Debby’s husband, Jim Oldershaw.
Born on December 2, 1929 in Winnipeg, Manitoba to William and Mary Stefanik, Joe’s childhood and teen years were spent in the North end of Winnipeg. While Joe was employed at the family business “Bill’s Dyers & Cleaners”, Joe went to a dance and met Norma; he fell madly in love with her at first glance. On June 6, 1953, Joe and Norma were married at the First Lutheran Church on Victor Street in Winnipeg. In 1957, they had their only son, Joey. A year later in 1958, they purchased their family home in Windsor Park. Many wonderful summers were spent together at their cabin at Grand Beach, family and friends were often with them. Joe continued to work in the family business until May 1972 when it was destroyed in a fire. At 43, Joe changed careers and became a travelling Life Insurance salesman for Pennsylvania Life. He stayed with Pennsylvania Life until his retirement.
In 1989, Joe and Norma moved to Kelowna, BC where they bought a lovely home with a big garden and fruit trees and spent many beautiful years there together. In 2008, Norma was diagnosed with dementia, and she spent the remaining 7 years of her life at Sunpointe Village. Joe, ever the devoted husband, faithfully visited her every single day. After her passing, Joe moved in with Joey and Dawn surrounded with the love and compassion of family, but he remained fiercely independent. Joe continued to volunteer at Sunpointe Village, only the restrictions due to the pandemic stopped him. In 2020, Joe travelled to Mexico and spent his time reading books, watching his favourite hockey team the Winnipeg Jets, going on walks to Ben Lee Park, and many sunny hours growing his vegetables with great pride in the backyard. Joe will always be remembered for his larger than life character, his great sense of humour and jokes, his kind heart and generous spirit and big bear hugs.
A celebration of Joe’s life will take place, but due to Covid-19 restrictions, it will be by invitation only.
If you wish to send a condolence, post photos, or share a memory please scroll down the page to the area called “Condolences”.
My heartfelt condolences to all of Joes family. I volunteered with Joe at SunPoint Village. He was dedicated to all the residents and helped wherever he could. He was fun to be around, had a beautiful singing voice and always had a joke to tell. He will be missed.
Thinking of Granddad so much as he transitions out of the world he knew. He was such an incredibly kind hearted, spirited, passionate man. It was a blessing to have such an amazing bonus Granddad. I will never forget his wisdom on whats most important in life – LOVE!
Joe was a valued member of our informal support group for caregivers and all of us in our group who knew Joe will be sorry to hear of his passing. We had not seen Joe since the fall when restrictions forced us to meet via Zoom although I had tried numerous times to phone him later in 2020 without any luck. Again, we are very sorry to hear about Joe. With kind wishes, Sheryl, Bob, Donna, Laurie, Grace, Marleen and Margaret
It was with sadness that I heard of Joe’s death. I was the chaplain at Sun Point village for 5 years and I got to know Joe very well. I spent time with him and Norma when he visited her every day and then spent time with him when he returned as a volunteer following her death. Joe was a role model to me. He showed me what love and commitment looks like through the challenges of life and what it means to love a wife “for better for worse”. He always held out hope through the years that Norma’s health would improve and he never lost his devotion to his “sweetheart”.
Joe loved to sing and he and I spent many hours singing to residents in the four Sun Pointe Village communities. I always like to introduce Joe as “Tony Bennett” because I alway thought he sang like him. As well as singing the old time favourites, he loved to sing hymns and he sang in a small group of singers that led the weekly Hymn Sing at Sun Pointe. Not only did we enjoy singing together, Joe and another long-time volunteer and myself organized a Men’s Club for the residents. We played pool every week with the residents from Independent Living and the Care Communities. Joe kept everyone entertained as he always had a joke to share or a story to tell. He had advice on how to play every shot which was usually right! He was an excellent player and everyone learned a few things from him every time he picked up his cue. He would ‘crow’ about the Jets when they won and take lots of teasing when they didn’t.
I am going to miss my friend and I extend my warmest condolences to Joey, Dawn and the extended Stefanik family. I know that Joe is going to be missed. He was a great example of how to live life to the fullest. God be with you.
Condolences to Joey and family during this time of grief and sadness. Lana and I enjoyed seeing and sharing some time with Uncle Joe and the family at the reunion in Gimli. Those special and valued conversations we had with Uncle Joe will be cherished for ever, and the photos taken that day will bring back heartfelt memories. Rest in peace Uncle Joe.
I am very sorry for your loss and wish your family strength during this difficult time.
Tracy Gray, Member of Parliament, Kelowna – Lake Country