We Remember
Frank Szabo, 52, died unexpectedly on February 11, 2021.
Frank leaves behind a broken-hearted family: his dear wife, Judith Szabo; his mother Elizabeth Schlitt; stepson Gergely (Aniko) Kiss and grandchildren Dorian and Katica; sister Ester (Michael); nephew Lorand (Marika); niece Emese (Gabi) and grate-nephew baby Aron; sister-in-law Nusika; niece Mona (Ray) and great-nephews Christian and Gabriel; also family members and friends in Romania and Hungary, as well as numerous friends, classmates, and co-workers who became extended family to Frank.
Frank Attila Szabo was born in Romania on May 29, 1968, in the city of Dej. After high school his mom moved to Canada and a few years later Frank followed her and came to Kelowna, BC. He finished college and graduated as Electronics Engineer and started working for Martin Mallinson. Until his last day he kept working for the same company which he loved very much.
In 2002, Frank heard that his high school sweetheart had moved to Montreal, Canada and he called her and asked her hand in marriage. They were together ever since and ever after. He loved two things with his whole being: his wife and his work.
He will be dearly missed.
If you wish to send a condolence, post photos, or share a memory please scroll down the page to the area called “Condolences”.
I am so shocked and saddened by this news. we were fortunate to know Frank from soon after his arrival in Canada so many years back. He was a pleasure to work with and I had the privilege of employing Frank in two of my companies. A solid, strong man of great disposition and thoughtfulness, he would step up to help anyone out in many areas. A more reliable, responsible and personally upright man I have never met. It was a tragedy to hear of his passing and we shall be quite a while getting over it, if at all. Our condolences to Judith, Greg and the family. For all who knew him this is very tough to take.
A picture of Frank – latter half of the 1990s
I still cannot believe the tragedy had happened. I still expect I can walk into office and see him. Frank was always kind and helpful, with sense of humour, since I started to work with him 12 years ago. He will be remembered by me and other co-workers. My sincere condolences to his family.
We are filled with sorrow at the loss of our beloved Attila. We will forever miss such a loving and kind soul who left us too soon. We treasure our memories and the smiles and laughter we shared in such a short time. We love you Attila and hope to hug and hold you again.
I am shocked and saddened by the terrible news of Frank’s passing. I got to know Frank five years ago when we started working together and got to know him as a helpful, reliable, and most of all, genuine co-worker. My heart goes out to his family for their loss of a wonderful person. My thoughts and prayers are with them.
Dear Judith, Greg & Family,
We, Sheri Lynne and I, cannot express enough the deep sorrow for your loss. Frank was our good friend who we had wonderful friendship with for so many years.
I will always remember the constant playful arguments that we would have at work, the stories of Judith and Frank’s camping trips into the bush. The barbeque at the house, the burnt meat in the microwave that stunk up the whole building at CMT. We remember the wonderful wedding of the two of you, and other memories.
Sheri Lynne will always remember his smile as he greeted her at the office.
Megan will always remember catching fish off the dock at the office party.
But most of all I will miss his laugh and playful spirit that I will always cherish.
Judith, we are thinking of you in this most difficult of times, it is so hard to convey our sadness for you and your family at this time.
If there is anything that we can do, please let us know.
We will miss him terribly.
Sheri Lynne & Paul Scowen
A picture of Frank with the ESS Team in 2005
I want to express my sincere condolence to Frank’s family. I worked with Frank from many years, he was the person to go for the ESS Office in Kelowna. Frank was a great co-worker that I enjoyed working with and I will miss him.
Words cannot express how saddened and lost I am to hear the terrible news. I still remember when I first joined ESS, Frank brought a huge pot of home-made Romanian cabbage rolls to celebrate the Chinese New Year with his Chinese colleagues. He made me feel welcomed and become a part of the family. That was about this time 7 years ago. Throughout the past 7 years, I got to know Frank as a man of goodness and great character, truthful, humorous, few words but always there to help. He will be greatly missed. My heart goes out to his family at this difficult time. Please accept my most sincere sympathies for your loss.
Időn és tengeren átnyúlva, megrendülve küldöm a családnak szeretetemet és együttérzésemet. Tudom, most nem hallatszik, de innen úgy tűnik: a halál nem teljes elválás. A lelkek kapcsolata nem szűnik meg. / Through time and seas, I send my great love to the family. I know it may sound impossible, but it seems to me that death is no real departure. Souls stay with those whom they love.
I am very sorry for your loss and wish your family strength during this difficult time.
Tracy Gray, Member of Parliament, Kelowna – Lake Country
My sincere condolence to the Szabo family. I’ll miss Frank’s smiling face answering the doorbell at the ESS office.
I met Frank on my first trip to Kelowna in 2003. Whenever I would visit, he would make sure that I was taken care of. He had a great small smile and I enjoyed working with him all of these years and am shocked that he is gone.
My condolences to Judith and his family. He will be sorely missed by all.
szavakban nehez kifejezni… amikor hazajossz talan egy olelessel tobbet mondhatok… minden az elet resze, meg a halal is, csak nagyon nehez elfogadni…
We are very sorry to hear about Attila’s sudden and tragic death. Attila was our father, Bálint’s cousin, so in the beginning of the 90s he had been living with us for months before he left for Canada to start a new life. The time we spent together developed unbreakable emotional attachments between us, and we will keep the nice memories of our common adventures in our heart with love. We were always pleased to hear about him or when he visited us. His unexpected death is a great loss for us all. We share his wife, Judit’s, his mother’s, Aunt Erzsi’s, his loved ones’ and all his freinds’ sorrow. Please accept our deepest condolences from the Gergely family from Hungary.
My dear brother Attila how to express adequately the pain we endure for losing you. I remember as children we laughed and cried sometimes fought, we weren’t able to always show the love that we both had inside, we shared our dreams and plans and some secrets too; After all I could have not asked for a better brother. You have touched my life so deeply by the way you lived your life demonstrating courage and loyalty to your company and family. I will always remember you and treasure our memories with great passion and love. As you are departing into a brighter world I pray that your soul is safe in God’s Kingdom. God is always present to help us through such tough times. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble . Psalms 46:1
Oszinte resztvetunk, mijen no ember volt, kepeket nezve a szivem hasad Meg. Bogyo draga, az isten adjon neked erot atmenni ezen
It was a complete shock to hear of this terrible news, and I still cannot comprehend it. Frank was very helpful when I first joined ESS years ago, and he made me feel welcome. I also remember arriving at the office many an early morning to find only Frank already in, and always being greeted by his friendly smile. He will be greatly missed. My sincere condolences to his family.
Dear Judith, Greg and Family,
I am very shocked and sad by the news of Frank’s passing. I am terribly sorry for your loss, and I send you my deepest condolences. I have known Frank for almost 5 years now. I still remember my first day at ESS Technology, when Frank let me in to the office, took me to my desk and set everything up for me. He was a lovely man and a great colleague. I am going to miss him at ESS. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
It was really shocking to me to hear this sad news and I still can’t believe this happened. Frank was a wonderful colleague when I was in ESS and I still remember the time when I forgot my badge (and it happened frequently) to get into office, always the first thing to see is Franks’ smile when he opened the door for me. Frank will be deeply missed. My sincere condolence to Frank’s family.
Őszinte részvétem a családnak! Nyugodjon békében a jó barátunk. A szombat esti bulikat a szívemben őrzöm.
Kedves Bogyó! Nagyon sajnalom, hogy Attila elhunyt. Sok erőt és kitartást kívánok neked. Enikő
A mélységből kiáltok, Uram, hozzád, Uram, halld meg a szavam! Füled figyeljen fel könyörgő szavamra! Ha számon tartod a vétkeket, ki állhat meg akkor, színed előtt, Uram? Ám nálad bocsánatot nyer a vétek, hogy féljenek téged. Remélek az Úrban, benne remél lelkem, és bízom az Ő szavában.
(130. Zsoltár 1-5)
Drága Atyánk, élők és holtak Istene!
Egy nagyon jó barátunkért ATTILÁÉRT szeretnénk eléd járulni, hozzád fohászkodni.
Először is köszönetünket és hálánkat szeretnénk kifejezni irántad, hogy egy ilyen kiváló ember barátai lehettünk.
Bár a szívünk teli van szomorúsággal mégis hinni akarjuk, hogy ez a hirtelen behívó a Te szent akaratod szerint történt.
Ezer esztendő is annyi előtted, mint a tegnapi nap, mely tovatűnt, mily rövid hát a mi életidőnk, mely igen sokszor még ama bizonyos 70 vagy 80 esztendőt sem éri el s már is semmivé lesz abban a
a pillanatban, mikor szólitasz.
Akaratod szerint napjaink letűnnek, életünk lángja elalszik. Sokszor félbe marad a munka, melynek elvégzését reánk biztad, sokszor üresen marad a hely, hová rendeltél s elmulásunk nyomán csak a fájdalom, a sírás és zokogás fakad.
Fejet hajtunk és elfogadjuk szent akaratod, remélve, hogy továbbra is Te leszel az, aki Attilának gondját viseled és a mi szíveinket is vigasztalni fogod az ő el szólítása miatt.
Életünkben Vannak érthetetlen dolgok, amit mi emberek nem tudunk megérteni, de ez nem jelenti azt, hogy Te egy rossz Isten vagy.
Hisszük, hogy Te az élő Isten vagy, aki minket a Te képmásodra alkottál és minden a javunkra történik.
Végül is hálásak vagyunk Uram, hogy szereteted kiárad a mindennapi életünkre és ez egy nagyon jó figyelmeztetés, hogy minden egyes napunk ajándék.
Drága Atyánk hozz megnyugvást életünkbe és jó reménységet, hogy mindezek után hitünket ne veszítsük és Téged továbbra is Szerető Atyánknak szólíthassunk!
Üdvözítő Jézus Krisztus! Kérünk téged, fogadd országodba Attila lelkét, akiért szent véredet kiontottad.
Emlékezzél meg, Uram, hogy gyarló az emberi természet, és olyanok vagyunk, mint a mezei virágok, melyek hamar elhervadnak, és a szél könnyen széthordja szirmaikat.
Te, aki a keresztfán meghallgattad a hozzád folyamodó jobb latrot, és a mennyországnak örömét ígérted néki, hallgasd meg a mi kiáltásainkat is, és kegyelmesen oldozd fel az e világból elköltözött Attila lelkét minden bűne kötelékétől, hogy a feltámadásnak dicsőségében a választottak között részesüljön az örök életben.
Adj neki, Uram, örök nyugodalmat, és az örök világosság fényeskedjék neki! Ámen.
Please accept my most heartfelt sympathies for your loss. Frank was very well thought of and greatly appreciated for his helpfulness providing support for customers of Resonessence Labs.
Őszinte részvétem a családnak . Isten veled barátom , soha nem felejtünk el ! Bogyó neked meg kitartást , melletted vagyunk lélekben . Nyugodjon békében !
Isten nyugtasson draga baratom.
Amig eltel szerettunk, amig elunk siratunk.
Oszinte reszvetem Bogyo, Erzsi neni,vigasztalast megnyugvast kivanok.
Isten nyugtassa Attilát!
Emléke legyen áldott, nyugalma legyen csendes!
Emlékét örökké szívünkben fogjuk őrizni!
We will always remember you…
I was fortunate enough to know Frank over the last year at ESS. Frank will be missed for his good behaviour and sense of humour. I am shocked and deeply saddened to hear about Frank’s passing. My sincere condolences to Frank’s family.
Dear Judith,
I am so sorry to hear about your husband passing away, my thoughts are with you at this very difficult time
I just heard of Frank’s passing. My condolences to family and friends. I worked with Frank for years at ESS. He was a dedicated team member and very reliable/accountable. I real pleasure to work with; I keep very good memories. He will be missed.
Regards, Simon.