We Remember

TURNBULL, Nancy Margaret (née Norquay)
November 26, 1947 — August 12, 2024
Nancy Margaret Turnbull (née Norquay), died at home while surrounded by her family, on August 12, 2024.
Her strong Christian faith infused her lifelong love for family, adventures, music, and travelling across Canada or overseas.
A Memorial Service in Nancy’s honour will take place on MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 2024, at 11:00 AM (PST), at Resurrection Anglican Church, 2279 Benvoulin Rd, Kelowna, BC. The service will be livestreamed starting at 10:45 AM (PST), see below for details.
Livestream Zoom Information:
Meeting ID: 84464300429
Passcode: wP2fCi
If you wish to send a condolence, post photos, or share a memory, please scroll down the page to the area called “Condolences”.
Monday, August 19, 2024, at 11:00 AM (PST)
Resurrection Anglican Church
I am so sorry for your loss, Nathan. Sending love and prayers to you and the family as you go through this incredibly difficult time.
My condolences to the Turnbull family. Nancy was a wonderful person. She was like a second mother to Trevor (my son) when he stayed at their home. She will be missed by all who knew her. God be with you all.
I knew Nancy when I sang in the choir and she was the music director at Christ Lutheran church, Winnipeg. Her musical talent and zest for life were inspiring. I will remember her always.
My condolences to you and your your family.
Ken and family I wish to send my condolences and blessings to you all. I met Nancy in Kelowna at church a few years ago in 2018,2019 she was always so kind and willing to chat , I moved to Penticton but we kept in touch for some time even had a visit and lunch here was so kind of you both visiting me..
My prayers are with you all. at this time of your loss 💕
Nancy played viola in our multicultural string quartet in Winnipeg twenty years ago. It was a great pleasure to have enjoyed quartet music with her and our two violinist colleagues. Thank you Nancy! Heartfelt condolences to Ken and family.
Our thoughts are with you, Ken, Nathan, and Naomi. Your mum was a rugged individualistic, a caring and compassionate mother, wife, and friend, and so talented in so many ways! We will miss her vibrant zest for life. May God strengthen and comfort you …sending our love,
Val and Stew
I remember Mrs.Turnbull when she lived in Lark Harbour
I remember her when she lived in Lark Harbour Newfoundland when her husband was our Paster there.I spent a lot of time down there I usd to watch her daughter after school for few hours so she can get some alone time to catch up on things.She was a very nice person sure missed her when they left.My prayers and thoughts go out to the family
Continuing to pray for you all as you mourn Nancy’s passing from this life and celebrate her passing into the greater life beyond.
I’m thinking of you all as you say goodbye. May your memories bring you strength and comfort during this time of mourning and in the future.
Dear Ken: I was so sorry to hear of Nancy’s death. She was a bright light wherever she was. Praying for grace for you, Nathan & Naomi.
Dear Ken, how very sad it made Tony and me to know of your lovely Nancy’s death. We do feel for you – for you all. I suppose I have to say that I hardly knew my cousin, very rarely saw her except in photos, and have not been much a part of her life. And yet Nancy had that special gift of conveying understanding and love through the warmth of her words, so sincere and loving in her insight into our particular family circumstances. She was a pretty remarkable person.
Tony, Tris, Harry amd me, we all send you our heartfelt sympathy, and special love,
Judi xxx
As we were cousins, knew Nancy my whole life. We grew much closer when she and Ken stayed with us on Maui. I grew to love and appreciate her even more and Denise and I are so grateful for the time we had with her and Ken.
Dear Ken and family
I remember Nancy from when we were little girls at Holy Trinity church in Winnipeg. We were in Sunday School together and went to confirmation classes together. She and her family were always devoted church members and i especially remember her love of music. My thoughts are with you all.
Dear Ken and family.
I have many fond memories of sharing time with you and Nancy. We watched our families grow and develop. I pray that the Lord’s grace and peace will be with you at this time. Love and Blessings Harold
Dear Ken, Nathan and Naomi
We feel your loss back here in Winnipeg. Nancy was a dear friend, so honest, full of faith, full of love, so happy when making music (and always). We are deeply saddened by her passing and pray that God will comfort you strongly in the coming days. Wish we were in Kelowna for the service but glad we can watch on-line.
Very sorry to hear of Nancy’s passing. One of my first friends I made at the church when I started to go, always cheerful. May God be with u all.
Dear Ken,
I am so sorry to learn of Nancy’s passing. You were both so good to me in storing my possessions , then on my return to Canada. I treasure the Chronological Bible you gave me. May our Lord comfort you. Love,
May the Lord be your strength at this tender time, Ken. She is so easily remembered — and that photo above is a portrait of her — lively, humourous, courageous, able. As well, many of us enjoyed an insight into her musicality, hospitality and deep spiritual sense. For her, Jesus was real and His joy radiated; an unforgettable sister in Christ. God’s nearness to you all.
Ken my condolences . Nancy was a beautiful and talented lady. I am glad she came across my path
Dear Ken, Nathan, and Naomi, Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this very difficult time.. We had the pleasure of getting to know her quite well during the time when we were singing in the St. Aidan’s choir and she was conducting.
I will always remember Nancy in your beautiful home on the river in Winnipeg where she tended her plants, baked beautiful treats and made wonderful music. Our love and condolences Ken.
Nancy was a joy to know, a shining example of God’s love.. I am grateful for the many piano books that she shared with me.
God bless you and keep you close.. Helen Barnes
Ken, we are so sorry to hear the sad news about Nancy. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Nathan and Naomi at this difficult time. Praying for God’s comfort, grace and peace. Our sincere and heartfelt condolences.
Blessings and love,
Connie and Roger
Dear Ken, May our gracious Saviour comfort you at this time of great loss. Nancy was an inspiration and encourager. We so benefitted from her joyous spirit and her gift of music. With our love, Bob and Madeline
Ken and Family, We are so sorry to hear of the passing Nancy. She was to me (Gwen) an encourager as a musician, as a person, and as a disciple of Jesus. Thank you to both of you for your encouragement of us as a couple. We pray that you will be comforted in this sad time.
Dear Ken and family
We were sorry to hear of Nancy’s passing. A beautiful woman inside and out. It was our privilege to have known her. She will be missed but know she is in God’s kingdom now. Best wishes
Dr Swetlikoff and staff at KNC
Ken and family,
We were saddened to see of Nancy’s passing. We had many fun times with both Nancy and Ken. Strong Christians they both stood for faithfulness to Christ. I ( Bill) first met Nancy in 1967 when she was playing the organ in St. John’s College. Nancy and I hit if off well. We were both slightly eccentric and therefore got along well. We had a lot of laughs. I was an assistant to them as they got married. I will always remember the liveliness of our conversations. Ken is no doubt devastated by her death. We wish Ken and the family well.
Bill and Linda Oakley
Bill and Linda Oakley