We Remember

January 31, 1929 — January 17, 2025
Lydia, a gentle soul, “passed” on to glory on Friday, January 17, 2025, at the age of 95. The memory of Lydia will be carried by her children, Linda (Heinz) Ehlert, Richard “Rick” Wabischewich, and Walter Wabischewich (Anita Spring); her grandchildren, Jonathan Ehlert (Melissa (née Ross)) and Timothy Ehlert; and her great-grandchildren Julia Ehlert, Caleb Ehlert, and Christina Ehlert. She was predeceased by her husband of 55 years, William Wabischwich, who passed on August 10, 2010; her parents Wilhelm Barz & Helen (née Korschuk) Barz; and her sisters, Rose (née Barz) Ostapin and Martha (née Barz) Khan.
While Lydia had many difficulties and challenges in life, she met each one with perseverance and grace. As a Bill Wabischwich’s loving wife and mother to Linda, Richard, and Walter, Lydia enjoyed her time as a “domestic engineer” making a home for her husband and family. She would listen when we needed an attentive ear, or she would champion us, giving the encouragement needed; she was humble too, doing her noble work “behinds the scenes” as it were. Respect, affection, and admiration for her grew in the hearts of her husband and children – positively impacting them to this day. Which, we think, is the best kind of “legacy” she could leave behind! The world is a better place to have had her. We will miss her!
Lydia loved the Holy Bible, God, and her church family, too. And, during the last few years, she was looking forward to going “home” to heaven.
The following was found, by her daughter, in a little booklet handwritten by Lydia:
Lydia Wabischewich – My life biography, signed: March 31, 1992
Familian Lebenslauf
1) Wilhelm Barz – geboren 16,3.1904 Stawischtsche Kreis Korosten, Ukraine Wolingen
2) Helen Barz (Korschuk – maiden name) – geboren 11,9.1901 Kreis Korosten, Ukraine Koshuchowka
3) Lydia Barz (now: Wabischewich) – geboren 31, 1.1929 Koshuchowka Ukraine
4) Rose Barz (now: Ostapin) – geboren23, 7.1936 Korosten
5) Martha Barz (now: Khan) – geboren 28, 9.1938 Korosten
– All in Kreis Wolhynien, Ukraine or Russia
We all lived in Korosten, Ukraine ‘til 12,11.1943. Came to Germany to a village by name: Amorbach, & lived there von 22,11.1943 to 19,1.1945. Then moved to Kleinheubach from 19,1.1945 to 23,4.1945. Then moved to Miltenberg am Main, from 23, 4.1945 & lived there ‘til end of July 1951. In July 1951, we went to Bremen and on August 1, 1951, we left for Canada & arrived in Minitonas, Manitoba 3, 9. 1951. Later, moved to Swan River, Man. “‘ Lived there ’til July 15, 1955. Then, got married July 16, 1955 (to William “Bill” Wabischewich) and moved to Winnipeg, Man. and lived there ‘til July 1, 1972. From there moved to Kelowna, B.C. July 1, 1972 and lived until…
And there this little treasure, left behind by Lydia, ends.
A Viewing will be held on FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 2025, from 10:00 – 11:00 AM (PST), with Reverend Edward Skutshek officiating, at SPRINGFIELD FUNERAL HOME, 2020 Springfield Road, Kelowna, BC. A reception will be held following the viewing; interment will take place after the reception.
If you wish to send a condolence, post photos, or share a memory, please scroll down the page to the area call “Condolences”.
FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 2025, from 10:00 - 11:00 AM (PST)
Dear Linda and family, when we think of your sweet mom we remember a such a generous and kind person. Our love and thoughts are with you.
Heidi & family, Rosie and Martin
Rick and family, sending out heartfelt condolences to you all. Losing a mother is never easy, but you all have many great memories to share along with the love and joy she gave you all. Our best wishes, Herb and Shelley Kempf
Thank you for all your condolences for our family, and a special thanks for all who came. The Second World War impeded Lydia’s education (finished grade four), but she loved learning and was intelligent, and knew how to speak at least four languages well: Ukrainian, Russian, German, and English.